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Respiratory Category

Nebulizer Masks

7 Best Nebulizer Masks for Effective Aerosol Treatment

Patient compliance is key to any therapy, and respiratory therapy is no different. Making each session efficient means finding the right equipment. Find 7 of our best nebulizer masks.

Allergy Relief

7 Home Remedies for Allergies

Did you know that medication isn’t always necessary when you need relief from seasonal allergies? In fact, simple home remedies can be quite effective. Learn more at HPFY.

Allergy Relief

5 Best Tips and Products To Relieve Spring Allergies

If you're like me, you aren't exactly excited that spring is here. Every year, it's the same thing. The sun sets a little later, the air gets a little warmer, and I get a little congested. Then the watery eyes start, followed by sneezing and coughing, and before you know it, I'm searching for some sort of allergy relief.

Air Purifiers

5 Best Portable Air Purifiers

There are a plethora of air purifiers available on the market today but which one should you pick? Find 5 of our best portable air purifiers listed below to help you make an informed decision.

Tracheal Care Accessories

5 Tips for At-Home Tracheostomy Care

A tracheostomy tube supports breathing for those who cannot breathe normally due to an injury to the head or the neck or some issue with the windpipe. The placement of a tracheostomy tube can be short-term or long-term. HPFY understands these concerns, which is why we have listed some tips to help you settle in easily at home.

Allergy Relief

How To Use a Neti Pot?

Clearing these impurities can clear up the many annoying symptoms and provide much-needed relief. A Neti pot is a great way to cleanse the inside of the nose and reduce toxins in the airways. This simple device can be a great way to get through allergy season and can even reduce your need for congestion medicine. Learn how to use a neti pot. READ MORE.

Allergy Relief

Nasal Polyps Removal: What Are Your Treatment Options?

While nasal polyps can affect anyone, they are more common in adults. Medications can often shrink or remove nasal polyps. However, sometimes surgery may be required to remove them. Even after successful treatment, nasal polyps often recur. Find all the options and effective products for nasal polyps removal.


Using a Nebulizer for Bronchitis

The initial symptoms of acute bronchitis are sore throat and congestion, with the eventual development of a dry cough which can happen to adults and children. Other symptoms, like mild headache or body aches, fever, and chest discomfort, usually disappear within 3 to 10 days, but a cough can last for a long time. Nebulizers help in curbing the symptoms of bronchitis. Learn all about using a nebulizer for bronchitis.

Trach Tubes

All About Various Types of Tracheostomy Tubes

Tracheostomy is a surgical procedure performed to create a hole in the front area of the neck into the windpipe. Then a tracheostomy tube is placed in this hole to keep it open for breathing. It provides a passage for breathing when the normal route of breathing gets blocked. A tracheostomy is performed when a health problem requires long-term breathing support from a machine or after a traumatic injury to the face or the neck. Learn all about tracheal tubes at HPFY.

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6 Warning Signs of a Stroke

Discover the common signs of a stroke and understand why early detection is crucial. Learn how to recognize symptoms and what to do next. READ MORE.

Diabetes Foot Care Diabetes Management

6 Tips On How To Heal Diabetic Wounds At Home

If you or someone you know has diabetes, dealing with foot issues like diabetic wounds and ulcers may be a concern. Here are 6 effective tips for treating diabetic wounds at home.

Incontinence Guide

5 Tips for Coping with Incontinence in Cold Weather

Dealing with incontinence can be particularly challenging during the winter season. The cold weather conditions can exacerbate the symptoms. To manage incontinence comfortably during the cold months, here are a few tips that can come in handy. READ MORE.


Experiencing Life After a Mini-Stroke: What to Expect

After suffering a stroke, what should you expect? What are the signs of a stroke? What do I need to do? We have some information for you. READ MORE

Health & Wellness

Tips On How To Exfoliate Skin Naturally

Think of your skin as a canvas and exfoliation as a gentle brushstroke that reveals its true beauty. Here is how to exfoliate your skin naturally. READ MORE.

Pregnancy Care Incontinence Guide

Incontinence During Pregnancy: The What, Why, and How

Incontinence and pregnancy are often juxtaposed. That is because pregnancy can sometimes lead to or aggravate urinary incontinence. Here is what incontinence during pregnancy is and how to manage it. READ MORE.

Health & Wellness

11 Warning Signs of Magnesium Deficiency

Magnesium is a mineral important for our bodies. If you have ever wondered if your magnesium is low, here are 11 warning signs of magnesium deficiency. READ MORE.

Immune Health

10 Fun Facts About The Respiratory System

Our respiratory system is important and with respiratory viruses everywhere it’s under attack. What is our pulmonary system? What are the parts of the lungs? We have your info. READ MORE

Pill Boxes And Medicine Organizer

10 Tips for Medication Management

Medication management is critical for necessary medication to be effective. How can you manage your medication? How do I do it? We have some info for you. READ MORE

Nebulizer Accessories

How to Make Saline Solution for Nebulizer

Salt is a necessary evil. While many often point out too much salt can be detrimental to one's health, it also has the properties of preventing bacteria from growing. But why are we talking about salt? READ MORE.

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