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Oxygen is an essential element for sustaining life. Some people cannot get enough oxygen naturally. They need oxygen supplements to live a healthy life. For them oxygen therapy is a boon. Oxygen therapy, also referred to as supplemental oxygen is using oxygen for treatment of certain medical conditions. People who receive oxygen therapy often experience an increase in energy level, better sleep and quality of life. Oxygen therapy is a treatment that provides you with the extra oxygen that you require. The oxygen is transferred directly into your airway with the help of nasal prongs, a mask, or a breathing tube. For people with chronic respiratory disorders, portable oxygen tank or an asthma machine might be required. Sometimes specific lung conditions prohibit oxygen absorption.
Oxygen Therapy is needed if you have:
Pulse oximeters are device that clip on to a body part like the finger or earlobe to determine the blood oxygen levels in the body. Low oxygen levels indicate the need for oxygen therapy. At HPFY you will find everything you need for an effective oxygen therapy session. We have resuscitators for emergency situations, Oxygen cylinders of all sizes with carrying carts, oxygen conserving devices for people who are permanently on supplemental oxygen and hospital facilities, Oxygen masks for children and adults, Oxygen cannulas, tubing and connectors, oxygen concentrators for hospital and home use, and other accessories from top manufacturers with quality assurance to keep your loved ones active and breathing.
You must seek for immediate medical help if you experience these symptoms.
Medical professionals use pulse oximetry to determine whether a person qualifies for an oxygen therapy treatment or not. Some people require to be oxygenated all the time while others need it under emergency circumstances for ex. An asthma attack. Oxygen therapy can be done at home for people with permanent needs, with a portable oxygen delivery system.
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Oxygen therapy is supplementing oxygen supply for someone who is not able to breathe in adequate amount of oxygen due to a medical reason. This can be owing to a lung disease, heart failure or related conditions.
Yes. For oxygen therapy, a doctor’s prescription is required because oxygen is a medical drug.
Oxygen therapy may be given to patients in hospitals and by first aiders in ambulance when a patient is in transit. In situation when an illness leads to hypoxemia, oxygen therapy may be required. Oxygen therapy is also required in the following circumstances: