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Buy Assistive Listening Devices-Head Phones, Alarms Clocks, Amplifiers, Signal Devices


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What are Assistive Listening Devices?

Hearing and Listening Aids are designed for people with hearing impairment or hearing loss. Hearing impairment prevents an individual from partially or totally receiving the sound through ear. It can be caused by various factors like illness, old age, genetics, physical trauma, too much exposure to noise, etc. If there is a mild loss in hearing power, and people face difficulty in hearing distant and faint speech, hearing aids can be used to amplify sounds.

When it is hard or almost impossible for an individual to distinguish speech in voice, assistive listening devices can be used. At HPFY, we offer a wide collection of such hearing assistive devices from various top-selling manufacturers like Serene Innovations, Sonic Alert, Silent Call Communications, etc.

Types of Assistive Listening Devices

Assistive Listening Devices (ALDs) help people with hearing loss, especially in situations and environments where hearing can be difficult. Depending on the type of listening device, they may be used with or without hearing aids. ALDs are not a substitute for hearing aids, they provide extra help to those with hearing loss. Some common types of assistive listening devices include:

  1. Amplifiers

    The personal amplifier is mostly used for one-to-one conversations. It can help you hear in certain situations, particularly when there is a lot of background noise. It is a portable device with a microphone and an attached listening cord. It transmits sound via a microphone and transmitter to headphones or earphones. Amplifiers can be used both indoors and outdoors. Bellman Domino Classic Personal Hearing System is designed to help those with mild to severe hearing loss overcome difficult listening situations.
  2. FM System

    FM systems consist of a microphone and a transmitter that sends sound signals wirelessly via radio waves. The speaker wears a transmitter and a microphone, and the listener wears a portable receiver and either headphones or a neck loop. These FM systems are widely used in large auditoriums or classrooms to help children with hearing loss, but they can be helpful for adults in many situations. William Sound Personal PA FM Tour Guide System is a lightweight FM system that ensures superior wireless communication between tour guides and participants. The participants can focus on the areas of the tour without missing important information.
  3. Infrared System

    An infrared system is a light-based technology transmits sound wirelessly via infrared light. The listener wears a special receiver, which converts light waves back to sound. The receiver must be in direct line with the light beam from the transmitter. These devices are commonly used in theaters, churches, and auditoriums. Infrared devices can be used for home television listening, such as Califone Wireless Infrared Stereo or Mono Headphone with Transmitter.
  4. Bluetooth Systems

    Bluetooth system transmits sound via Wi-Fi. Using Bluetooth technology, devices such as cell phones, computers, and hearing aid can be connected with a compatible streamer to talk to each other. Individuals with hearing loss can use a smartphone or tablet with earphones to connect to the wirelessly transmitted sound. Califone Bluetooth 6 Position Jackbox helps to stream audio from Bluetooth-enabled mobile phones, tablets, or PC to facilitate differentiated learning, literacy, ELL, or Special Needs instruction.
  5. Signalling Devices

    While most ALDs help makes listening easier, some devices also help you stay connected to what is happening around you and improve your safety. These alerting devices or signaling devices rely on amplified sounds, visual cues, and vibrations to alert you to sounds in your environment. Some signal devices include vibrating alarm clocks, baby cry signalers, door alerting devices, phone signalers, smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, etc.


Health Products For You offers different types of hearing and listening aids like alarm clocks, amplified phones, amplifiers, earphones and headphones, large area listening systems, signaling devices, telecommunication devices, etc.

Alarm clocks are used to alert the user by producing a sound or signal. Amplifiers are designed to amplify the sound for a better hearing experience. Earphones and headphones also amplify the sound and are held close to the ears. Large area listening systems make hearing easy in difficult listening situations. Similarly, all the other assistive hearing devices help provide better hearing experience to users.

How are Listening devices different from Hearing Aids?

Hearing Aids

Hearing aids are tiny computers that are programmed to amplify the sounds an individual hears. They are specifically molded for ears. Assisted hearing devices are designed for a range of functions to meet varied user requirements. They help the user hear by diminishing the surrounding sounds and focusing on what he/she wants to hear. There are different types of hearing aids available to suit the active lifestyles of users.

Listening Devices

Assistive listening devices for hearing impaired improve the sound transmission. These equipments help the users hear better in noisy environments and in situations where they are at significant distance from the sound they want to hear. Listening aids are designed to provide temporary assistance in specific environments like theaters, classrooms, airports, places of worship, etc.

Where to buy Assistive Listening Devices online?

Health Products For You offers an assortment of assistive listening systems from top manufacturers like Bellman & Symfon AB, Harris Communications, Clarity USA, etc., at the best prices. Shop now!

Read more about Assistive Devices

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