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5 Tips for At-Home Tracheostomy Care
A tracheostomy tube supports breathing for those who cannot breathe normally due to an injury to the head or the neck or some issue with the windpipe. The placement of a tracheostomy tube can be short-term or long-term. HPFY understands these concerns, which is why we have listed some tips to help you settle in easily at home.
All About Various Types of Tracheostomy Tubes
Tracheostomy is a surgical procedure performed to create a hole in the front area of the neck into the windpipe. Then a tracheostomy tube is placed in this hole to keep it open for breathing. It provides a passage for breathing when the normal route of breathing gets blocked. A tracheostomy is performed when a health problem requires long-term breathing support from a machine or after a traumatic injury to the face or the neck. Learn all about tracheal tubes at HPFY.
Chest Physiotherapy: What is CPT Treatment?
Chest Physiotherapy, aka chest PT is a procedure which uses gravity and physical manipulation to help release mucus from the smaller airways of the lungs into the larger airways to facilitate mobilization out of the lungs.
A decannulation is when the tracheostomy tube is removed from the neck This is a procedure planned by a physician
Why Do Some People Need To Have A Tracheostomy?
A tracheostomy is usually done to bypass an obstructed upper airway or to clean and remove secretions from the airway or to more easily, and more safely, deliver oxygen to the lungs. Learn more about it @ HPFY
Suctioning Your Tracheostomy Tube
Suctioning is considered a sterile procedure and should be performed with this in mind. We ask that you try to be as clean as possible when suctioning an airway. Learn More About Tracheostomy Suctioning @HPFY
Monthly Tracheostomy Supplies Needed
Tracheostomy supplies need to be replenished monthly in order to maintain cleanliness and functionality. Buy Top Tracheostomy Supplies on Sale @ HPFY. Shop Now!
The term “decannulation” refers to the removal of the tracheostomy tube from the neck and the stoma is allowed to close up and heal. Learn More @ HPFY
Humidification to Tracheostomy via HME (Heat/Moisture Exchanger)
When you exhale through the Heat/Moisture Exchanger, it captures your exhaled heat and moisture and on your next breath, it delivers that back to your airway. Learn More @HPFY
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