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Buy Compression Bandage | Compression Wrap & Pressure Bandage


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What is a Compression Bandage?

A compression bandage applies pressure to a specific area of the body in order to reduce swelling, inflammation, and pain. It provides compression and support to various body parts for quick healing. The compression provided by the bandage helps to reduce the amount of fluid that accumulates in the affected area by increasing pressure on the blood vessels and lymphatic vessels. This can help to reduce swelling and promote healing. They also provide compression for individuals with lymphedema or some other venous disorder. These compression wraps are also known as elastic bandages and are used extensively in hospitals and medical care facilities. Elastic Compression Bandages are designed to stretch and conform to the body. They are usually wrapped tightly around the affected area and are held in place with clips or Velcro fastenings.

Features of Compression Dressing

When should you use a Compression Bandage?

Pressure Bandages are used to manage a variety of medical conditions, including:

How to Apply a Compression Wrap?

Compression Bandage for Arm

  1. Take the roll of the compression wrap.
  2. Hold the bandage with the start of the roll facing up.
  3. Keep the limb in a neutral position.
  4. Start wrapping at the furthest end of a limb.
  5. When finished, secure the end with medical tape or clip fasteners.
compression bandage for arm

Compression Dressing for Wrist

  1. Take the roll of the pressure bandage.
  2. Hold the bandage so that the start of the roll is facing up.
  3. Wrap at the base of the fingers and wrap the bandage around the hand between the thumb and index finger.
  4. Continue wrapping around the hand and toward the wrist, overlapping the bandage.
  5. Circle the wrist several times, ending about 5 to 6 inches above the wrist.
  6. Secure the end with clip fasteners or medical tape.
wrist compression bandage

Compression Wrap for Ankle

  1. Take the bandage roll.
  2. Keep the ankle at a roughly 90-degree angle.
  3. Starting near the ball of the foot, wrap the bandage several times and continue wrapping until you reach the heel.
  4. Leave the heel area and circle the bandage around the ankle.
  5. Wrap the dressing in a figure-8 pattern, moving down toward the heel on the bottom and up toward the calf at the top.
  6. Cover the entire foot from the base of the toes to about 5 or 6 inches above the ankle.
  7. Secure the end with clip fasteners or tape.
ankle pressure bandage

Some Do's and Don'ts

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How long should you keep a compression bandage on?

    On average, these bandages are kept on for about 48-72 hrs. It is recommended to contact a family physician for further instructions.

  2. Should I keep a stretchable bandage on overnight?

    Please remove the pressure bandage wrap at night while sleeping for the best results. If the doctor has advised against it, it is mandatory to make sure the bandage provides a snug fit and does not restrict blood flow.

  3. How does compression help swelling?

    Applying pressure to an injury helps reduce swelling by restricting the flow of blood and other fluids.

  4. What to keep in mind while using a compression dressing?

    The bandage should be snug, but it must not cut off circulation. If the bandage is wrapped around your foot or ankle, check your toes, or if it's around your wrist, check your fingers. If they become purplish or blue, cool to the touch, or numb or tingly, then the wrap is too tight and should be loosened. Make sure to loosen the wrap at night before bedtime or remove it as prescribed.

Where to buy Compression Bandages Online?

HPFY offers a vast collection of top-quality compression bandages for every situation from well-known manufacturers like Lohmann & Rauscher, Medline, BSN Medical, Covidien/Medtronic, Cardinal Health, 3M and many more. Shop now!

Popular Compression Wraps

Compression bandages provide high resistance to stretch that is caused due to pressure from internal muscle tightening and joint movement. The elasticated bandages that are mostly referred by medical and sports professionals include Cardinal Health Self-Adherent Bandages that come in various sizes and stick to themselves for great performance or the BSN Jobst Comprifore Four Layer Compression Bandage System that are designed to provide light compression for venous leg ulcers. Medline Matrix Elastic Bandages provide a convenient hook-and-loop closure at both ends and are ideal for low compression requirements.

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