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Rehab and Exercise

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What is Physical Rehabilitation?

At first glance there may not seem to be a but the subtle differences are important. After an injury or illness, a specific part of your body may become weak and need to be exercised in a specific manner in order to strengthen that area again to return to full function or regain as much as possible. Our body’s physiology is a complex group of systems that usually work in conjunction with each other so when one system is damaged it can affect others. Rehab exercises can incorporate a wide variety of specialized exercises to target the affected area. From sports injuries to cardiac rehab or even recovery from a stroke can all be treated with some formal rehab and exercises targeted to help recover and regain functionality. 

Types of Physical Therapy Equipment

Exercise Balls

Made from rubber or latex these exercise balls can be used to increase balance, flexibility, and even strengthen your core muscles. Through exercises or even incorporated into yoga or Pilates exercises, exercise balls can make rehabbing a fun and intriguing event.

Balance Tools

Our balance is closely related to our sense of proprioception. During a rehab or exercise program, the use of balance or wobble boards are commonly used in lower extremity rehab. Your physical therapist may have you start with very simple easy exercises and then progress to more difficult, strenuous activities as you regain your strength and balance during your healing process. The use of balance tools is not limited to lower body injuries and can be incorporated into rehabbing upper body issues such as shoulder injuries.


One basic way to improve strength is by using weights such as dumbbells. These are available in a variety of weights and allow you to progress to increased or heavier amounts. This will allow you to take the baby steps necessary to incrementally strengthen muscles in and around any injured area in a safe manner. What’s important to remember is to progress at a rate that does not reinjure the original injury or create a new one. Your therapist can give you exercises that you can do at home while watching television or at your leisure. Available in a variety of makeups, you can have ones made of just metal or for comfort maybe a foam grip. Some can have plates added or subtracted in order to raise or lower the desired weight.

Resistance Bands/ Resistance Tubes

Much like weights and dumbbells, these pieces of equipment are used predominantly for strength and muscle improvement. Their largest benefit is the fact that resistance bands and tubing provide resistance throughout the range of movement. Not only do they provide resistance during contraction of muscle, but they provide resistance throughout the full range of motion.

Since rehabilitation exercises are done in stages, these resistance exercise bands/tubing come in many different resistances so you can progress from an easy resistance to one more difficult to strengthen the target area. These are easily used at home once your therapist teaches you the proper technique of each exercise you should be performing.

Therapy Putty

Therapy putty is a fun and effective rehabilitation tool for finger and hand strengthening when recovering from injuries. Therapy putty works on various skills, such as improving grip strength, dexterity, and hand strengthening through the finger, hand, and wrist resistance exercises. Hand therapy putty is similar to playdough; however, it is brightly colored, non-greasy, and non-toxic, which is fun to mold and stretch.


Exercise pulley helps improve the range of motion and coordination for individuals with arthritis, shoulder or arm injuries, or post-surgery stiffness. Pulleys can also help strengthen the arms, shoulders, and chest. They can be mounted over a door, on the floor, or attached to a wall.

Benefits of Physical Therapy Equipment for Home

One of the most important benefits of investing in home physical therapy equipment is the ability to take charge of your recovery. Whether you struggle with a neurological injury or injury-related pain, physical therapy tools play an essential part in rehabilitation. The key benefits of rehabilitation equipment are as follows:

Top-reviewed Medical Exercise Equipment

Where to buy Physical Therapy Equipment online?

Rehab equipment helps promote recovery, improve mobility, enhance strength, and maintain overall health. Health Products For You carries a vast collection of physical therapy tools, medical exercise equipments from leading manufacturers like Fabrication Enterprises, Performance Health, Bodysport, etc., at the best prices. Shop now!

Read more about Physical Therapy

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