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Rehab & Exercise Category

Rehab & Exercise

Walking Towards Fitness: A Walking Guide

Walking is the simplest way to improve health and fitness. Believe it or not, simply walking can be the most effective way to improve your overall fitness and health. We here at HPFY can help you understand the benefits of walking.

Rehab & Exercise

Prolonged Sitting: Disadvantages and Precautions

When we sit for long periods of time, a whole host of potential negative health issues can arise. We here at HPFY can fill you in on the disadvantages of sitting for long periods of time. Shop@HPFY

Arm and Shoulder Rehab & Exercise

Exercises to Prevent Rotator Cuff Pain

Our shoulder joint is quite the complicated assembly. Any injury to this area can be extremely painful and debilitating.Health Products For You can show you exercises to prevent it.

Rehab & Exercise

Decoding the Link Between Exercise & Depression

Exercise has a whole host of benefits that range from helping us maintain our Physical health and mental health. Health Products for You can explain how regular exercise can fend off depression.

Rehab & Exercise

The Perfect Exercise Schedule for the Elderly

As we age, it can be critically important to stay active. Developing an exercise routine or schedule that you can stick to can help combat some of the negative effects of aging.HPFY can help schedule your exercise routine.

Rehab & Exercise

8 Top Advantages of Regular Exercise

Regular exercises can help prevent diabetes, heart disease, cancer, lung diseases, and much more At HPFY, we care about you and believe in arming you with all the information needed to live a healthy, safe, and comfortable life. To your health!

Rehab & Exercise

Tips To Prevent High Cholesterol

There are some health issues that we can control and some that we cannot. High cholesterol may be the most important one. Cholesterol is found in all of our cells and the food we eat. We have all been warned about the dangers of high cholesterol in our diet, but do we truly understand the health risks associated with high cholesterol and how to possibly prevent high cholesterol?

Balance And Stability

How to perform Yoga for Respiratory Health

In this article we focus on two yogic breathing exercises to control breathing. Regular practice can relieve common respiratory ailments like cold, sinusitis, etc.

Hand Therapy Exercise

Exercising Your Hand and Fingers

The ability to have a firm grasp on the world around us cannot be emphasized enough, but doing so without pain is even more important. Sometimes due to an injury or arthritis we can experience diminished range of motion and a higher level of pain over time. Your doctor may want you to visit with an occupational therapist in order to evaluate any loss of dexterity or strength.

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Pressure Ulcers

Identifying the 4 Stages of Bed Sores

Bedsores can cause serious health issues down the road. Identifying the stages of bedsores can help treat them. What are the 4 stages of bedsores? How do I treat them? We have information you need to hear. READ MORE


10 Tips for Better Living with Lymphedema

Cancer patients can experience lymphedema. This can lead to questions about dealing with it. Can I live a long life with lymphedema? How does lymphedema affect daily life? We have your information. READ MORE

Living with Ostomy

7 Things You Should Never Say to an Ostomate

Gain valuable insights into respectful communication with ostomates. Explore seven things you should avoid saying, and discover practical tips for fostering empathy and understanding in your interactions.

Incontinence Guide

7 Things You Should Avoid Saying To An Incontinent Person

Improve your interactions with individuals experiencing incontinence by familiarizing yourself with the seven things you should avoid saying. Be a source of support and kindness in their journey.

Psoriasis Eczema

Psoriasis vs Eczema: Knowing the Difference

Psoriasis and eczema are two skin problems that can make your skin dry, scaly, and itchy. Even though they can look similar, they are caused by different reasons and need different treatments. READ MORE.

Bladder Control

Tips for Managing Neurogenic Bladder Symptoms

A damaged nervous system can lead to a neurogenic bladder. Can a neurogenic bladder be cured? How can I improve my neurogenic bladder? Here’s some information you need. READ MORE

Oxygen Concentrators

10 Tips to Properly Clean & Maintain Oxygen Concentrators

Oxygen concentrator maintenance is crucial to them working properly. How do I properly clean it? What do I need? We have important information you need. READ MORE

Wound Management

How to Disinfect a Wound

Cleaning and disinfecting a wound are important to avoid infection. How do I clean/disinfect the wound? What do I need? Here’s the information you need. READ MORE


5 Tips to Treat Ice Burns at Home

Whether it's an ice cube stuck to the skin, handling dry ice without protection, or exposure to freezing temps, prompt treatment is key. Here are 5 ways to treat ice burns.

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