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Conditions A-Z Category

Parkinson’s Disease

The Brief Guide to Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s is one of the many common degenerative disorders affecting millions of people around the word. It is a central nervous system disorder that affects the motor system of the body. Rigidity, immobility, imbalance, shivering, etc. are some of the major symptoms of this disorder. There is no complete cure for this disorder, but technology has helped reduce the pain and hassle.

Traumatic Injuries

Traumatic Injuries and Congenital Disorders- Causes, Symptoms, and Cures

Motor disabilities are physical impairments that can impede movement, coordination, or sensation. They include weaknesses and lack of muscle control. Motor disabilities are a result of injuries to one or more of the most important parts of the body. There are two types of disabilities based on the kind of injury sustained by the body.


The Bracelet Of Hope

Stories of autistic kids wandering away or sometimes running away are not unheard of. About half of autistic children are prone to wandering, according to research published in 2012 in the journal of Pediatrics, and back when this research was published in 2012, wandering had led to the deaths of more than 60 autistic children since 2008.

Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar Fasciitis: Risks and Diagnosis

Plantar fasciitis is one of the most common inflammations causing heel pain. A thin, web-like ligament, called as plantar fascia, connects the front of foot to the heel to support arch of the foot and assist in walk.

Frozen Shoulder

Frozen Shoulder- All You Need To Know

Adhesive capsulitis is also commonly known as Frozen Shoulder.The tissues responsible for the motion of the shoulder get thicker and tighter, resulting in the development of scar tissue.


Managing Lymphedema

Lymphatic system acts as one of the natural defenses against any infection.

Sports Injury Prevention

Sports Injury Prevention

Sports and other exercises are considered as an effective way to maintain shape and a healthy lifestyle. On the other hand it can also sometimes have adverse effects in the form of injury.


Migraine: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

Migraine is an intense headache that is a result of specific changes in brain. It can initiate in teens and can be generally seen more in 30 to 40 years of age group. More than 90% of people with migraine have already experienced it before turning 40.


Fibromyalgia - Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment Methods

Fibromyalgia syndrome is characterized by chronic muscle pain, tiredness, and sleep problems. The condition is associated with tender points on the body that causes pain when pressure is put on them. Points like:Neck,Arms,Shoulders,Back,Hips and legs.

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Lou Gehrig's Disease

The 7 Stages of ALS

ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder. The 7 stages of ALS begin with muscle weakness or stiffness and typically follow a predictable path to full paralysis. In this article, we will focus on each of the 7 stages of ALS progression.

Antifungal Cream

Home Remedies For Ringworm

Having a ringworm rash can be a bit off-putting, especially if you’re not sure what it is. Learn about 9 home remedies for ringworm that work.

Pediatric Care

How to Choose a Pediatric Gait Trainer

Finding a gait trainer for your special needs child may seem difficult. Which is right for my child? What should I look for? Confusing but we have the information you need. READ MORE

Parkinson’s Disease

How To Prevent Parkinson's Disease

A diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease comes with a lot of uncertainty. Great strides have been made in research and much is dedicated to finding how to prevent Parkinson's disease. While there may not be a cure or a way to prevent Parkinson's disease, there are things you can do that may reduce your risk, delay the onset or reduce symptoms. READ MORE.

Pain Relief

Chronic Pain Management: 8 Pain Relief Tools for Your Help

Chronic pain can be an ongoing battle, affecting every aspect of life. Whether it's arthritis, joint pain, muscle discomfort, or any form of persistent pain, finding effective relief is paramount. But the quest for chronic pain management can be daunting. To help you manage chronic pain, HPFY is here with a list of 8 effective chronic pain relief devices to empower you on your pain-relief journey.


Top 5 Mistakes After Knee Replacement

After the procedure, it is vital to be armed with knowledge that will give you the power to avoid the top 5 mistakes after knee replacement surgery. READ MORE at HPFY.

Making A Difference

10 Best Healthy Hair, Skin and Nails Vitamins

Did you know that there are specific vitamins for hair, skin, and nail growth? Read this article to find a list of the 10 best healthy hair, skin and nails vitamins.

External Condom Catheters

9 Reasons Why Wearing Cath Wear Catheter Underwear is a Smart Choice

Cath Wear Catheter Underwear is a revolutionary product used to manage urinary catheters. Here are 9 compelling reasons why wearing Cath Wear is a smart choice.

Making A Difference

5 Tips on How to Stay Hydrated

Water is necessary for your health and does more than just quench your thirst. Find out different ways to stay hydrated throughout the day.

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