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Conditions A-Z Category

Inflammatory Bowel Disease

What You Should Know About Ulcerative Colitis

Understanding how and what ulcerative colitis is can help you manage this disorder since there’s no cure. The two primary causes of ulcerative colitis are inflammation due to an immune system response or family history/hereditary factors. We here at HPFY can explain ulcerative colitis and the steps you can take to put this disease into remission possibly.


Simple Ways To Calm An Anxiety Headache

Anxiety can also cause what is known as an anxiety headache. This can cause discomfort in your scalp, neck, and head. You may have tension headaches if you are constantly stressed or worried about something. Frequent tension headaches worsen the symptoms of anxiety. Learn 6 Simple ways to relieve an anxiety headache.

Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction

5 Best SI Joint Pain Treatments

Sacroiliac pain joint pain is often misjudged as lower back pain, whereas in reality, the pain arises from a disturbance in the normal motion of the sacroiliac joint. The treatment options are focused on relieving pain and regaining normal motion of the joint. The preferred method is naturally non-surgical treatment unless the condition worsens. Learn all about the 5 best si joint pain treatment methods and get relief from excruciating hip pain.

Cardiovascular Health

10 Sneaky Signs of Heart Disease

Saying heart diseases are dangerous and complicated would be an understatement. Cardiovascular diseases were credited for about 697,000 deaths in the year 2020. One of the most common heart diseases is coronary artery disease. CAD can potentially lead to a heart attack. Experts suggest that adopting healthy life choices, regular exercise, and a balanced diet can curb the signs and symptoms of heart disease. But first, do you know what these 10 sneaky signs of heart disease that you must look out for are?

Cardiovascular Health

7 Tips On How To Lower Heart Rate

Our heart rate fluctuates with whatever we do. It increases when we engage in rigorous activity or when we are scared or excited and decreases when we calm down and rest. Our resting heart rate is considered the baseline and varies from person to person. However, if the resting heart rate is high, it could signal a problem with the body's normal functioning. Learn all about 7 easy ways to lower heart rate.

Diabetes Management

The 5 Best Glucose Meters

A blood glucose meter is beneficial for those with type 1 and type 2 diabetes, and gestational diabetes to monitor blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of diabetes-related complications. Even if you are not a diabetic, monitoring your blood sugar level with a glucose monitor is a useful metric to keep tabs on your health. Find 5 best glucose meters at HPFY.


Understanding Hyperinflated Lungs & Their Management

Hyperinflated lungs, as the term suggests, are the over-inflation of lungs. This means they have more air trapped inside than what is exhaled. This trapped air takes up space in your lungs and makes it harder for oxygen to enter your body. Due to the lack of air, your lungs try to get more, causing them to over-inflate and making lung tissue less flexible. In time, this can cause your lung tissue to deteriorate. Learn all about overinflation of lungs & more.


7 Best Burn Creams That Really Work!

A burn can be caused by heat, electricity, excessive sun exposure, contact with chemicals, or radiation. Many over-the-counter ointments for burns are available for optimal burn wound care. Find 7 best burn creams at HPFY.

Crohn’s Disease

Managing Different Types of Crohn's Disease

Crohn’s disease is a part of a group of serious diseases called Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD). Crohn’s causes inflammation/swelling in the digestive tract and leads to abdominal pain, diarrhea, fatigue, weight loss, and malnutrition. Learn how to manage Crohn's disease types and more.

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Making A Difference Wound Management

Manuka Honey Vs. Regular Honey: The Buzz After All

If you, too, are confused and would love it if somebody breaks it down and uncovers the differences between manuka honey and regular honey, you've landed on the right page. READ MORE.

Medical Supplies

Choosing the Correct IV Equipment and Accessories for Intravenous Care

Caring for those with an IV means choosing the right supplies and accessories for proper care. What is right for me? Which supplies/accessories do I need? We have some information for you. READ MORE

Wound Preps

5 Best Wound Closure Strips for Lesser Chances of Scarring

Wound closure strips are non-invasive thin bandages and reduce the chances of bacteria creeping into the wound. Here are 5 of our best-selling steri strips for wound closure you can pick from. READ MORE.

Cardio Exercise Equipment

7 Best Ankle Weights to Boost Your Workout

If you want to add variety or work through a plateau, adding ankle and wrist weights could add just the right touch to get you to your exercise goals. They are versatile enough to use them while walking, running, jogging, leg lifts, leg raises, side leg lifts, arm curls, and more. So many options are available, so how do you find the best ankle weights to boost your workout? We've put together a list of seven best. READ MORE.

Health Care for Women

5 Best Products for Vaginal Health

If you have not already, it is about time you invested some time and energy in revitalizing your femininity. Here is a list of the best products for vaginal health that you must consider buying for a healthy and happy vagina. READ MORE.

Parkinson’s Disease

Hand Tremors: 10 Products To Make Life Easier

Hand tremors can be very challenging to say the least. Everyday tasks become difficult, and you may even lose a sense of independence. When quality of life begins to diminish, it’s time to seek ways to get back in control. Whether you are suffering from hand tremors, limited arm movement, a weak grasp, Parkinson’s disease, or other neurological issues, there are products designed to make life easier. Let’s take a look at the top ten. READ MORE.

Weight Loss Help

15 Tips to Plan Your Gastric Sleeve Pre-Op Diet

If you're planning gastric sleeve surgery, ensuring your body is ready for the procedure is important. Your surgeon may suggest you spend time with a registered dietician to plan a pre-op gastric sleeve diet. Let's look at ways to reduce the risk of complications during and after surgery. READ MORE.


10 Products For Migraine Self-Care

A migraine can be quite debilitating. Throbbing pain, light sensitivity, and other symptoms can affect your ability to function. Let’s explore some products that can relieve you from the throbbing pain of a migraine headache. Here are ten items that are quite effective in migraine self-care. READ MORE.

Massage Therapy

5 Best Foot Massagers for a Pain-Free Life

Choosing the type of foot massager that suits your preferences and addresses your specific needs is essential. Additionally, if you have underlying medical conditions or concerns about using a foot massager, you should consult with your doctor. To help you figure out which one to choose. Here is a list of the 5 best foot massagers. READ MORE.

Making A Difference

Motion Sickness: 7 Things to Pack When Traveling

Motion sickness can damper travel plans, whether going on a road trip, airplane, or cruise. If you were wondering what helps with motion sickness, here is a list of essentials to pack in your travel kit. These items can help you alleviate motion sickness symptoms and enjoy your travels. READ MORE.

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