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Articles and News

Conditions A-Z Category

Alzheimer’s or Dementia

Early Signs of Dementia: A Comprehensive Checklist

While there are many health problems that might arise as we become older, dementia may be the most terrifying one. Not only the individual with dementia, but also their family and loved ones nearby, may find it distressing to consider the possibility of impaired facilities. On them, sometimes, it's worse! Nevertheless, because there is now no treatment for this terrible condition, seeing its early indicators can aid in early intervention and perhaps even slow down its signs and symptoms.

Diabetes Management

Prediabetes – Your Plan For A Diabetes-Free Future

We probably have all heard or know someone dealing with type II diabetes, but did you know that there is a condition that leads up to that diagnosis? Prediabetes can be a warning that your blood glucose levels are elevated and which could put you at a high risk for type II diabetes. However, don't think of prediabetes as just a warning. High sugar levels put you at an increased risk of damaging your body, especially your heart, kidneys, and nerves. Let’s get to the information you need about prediabetes so you can make changes to head off type II diabetes.


Five Products for Living with Quadriplegia

As a quadriplegic, I know first-hand how devastating a spinal cord injury (SCI) can be. It's life-changing! Whether this injury has led to paraplegia or tetraplegia (a.k.a. quadriplegia), the future becomes uncertain. You don't have the answers and sometimes don't even know the questions. With paralysis, mobility becomes seriously hindered. So how do you maintain your independence and quality of life?

Range Of Motion

Range Of Motion: What Should You Know

When we are healthy, our knees, elbows, wrists, etc., all can bend and flex to their maximum amount. However, their ability to move after an injury or surgery may diminish. Through therapy and exercise, we can regain most, if not all, of our range of motion. These exercises target the joints and surrounding muscles to increase flexibility and strength.

Infections and Allergies

All About Dealing With Infections

Infections are referred to as situations when a foreign body enters the human body and causes complications in bodily functions, harming the person. Learn all about infection control at HPFY.


Top 7 Relaxation Products for Stress Relief

Stress has become an epidemic in our hectic, ever-evolving lives. But there are some simple ways that you can reduce stress and make your life a little easier. Click to read more about the top 7 relaxation products for stress relief.

Penis Pumps

5 Things You Need To Know About Erectile Dysfunction

As they say, a problem well-stated is half-solved, in an attempt to help you find the right treatment for ed, here are 5 things you need to know about Erectile Dysfunction.

Pressure Ulcers

5 Best Wound Dressings for Pressure Ulcers Management

Wound dressings are widely used to promote healing by helping to debride the wound, reduce bacteria, prevent further trauma, and prevent reoccurrence. Find 5 best wound dressings for pressure ulcers at HPFY.

Cerebral Palsy

Top 5 Adaptive Equipment for Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral Palsy can vary from patient to patient and affect each one differently. This means that finding the right tools to combat CP can be challenging since there is no cookie-cutter way to treat this disease. With such uncertainty, how do you find the right adaptive equipment for your cerebral palsy needs?

Recently Added

Sports Injury Prevention

7 Products for Better Injury Prevention in Sports

Avoiding injuries in sports is much easier than trying to recover from them. How do I achieve this? What can I do to avoid injury? We have some information you may need. READ MORE

Plantar Fasciitis

How Does TENS Unit for Plantar Fasciitis Work

If you were considering using a TENS unit for plantar fasciitis, this article is for you. Read to find how does TENS unit help with heel pain.

Making A Difference

5 Best Collagen Supplements

Getting enough collagen can be challenging. You can help support collagen production in your body with the five best collagen supplements. READ MORE.

Making A Difference

Finding The Right Treatment for Venous Insufficiency Ulcers

Treating venous ulcers can be very complex, not to mention costly. What are effective treatments? What do I need? We have information you need to hear. READ MORE

Best Patient Care Supplies

Properly Cleaning Medical Equipment - A How To Guide

Properly cleaning medical equipment requires following specific procedures. Here are 12 general tips to disinfect the equipment. READ MORE.

Mental Well Being

10 Important Facts About Bipolar Disorder

While most of us have heard about it, do you know the facts about bipolar disorder? Many people who are diagnosed with bipolar disorder often experience other mental health conditions, such as anxiety and attention deficit disorders. READ MORE.

Diapers and Wipes Washcloths and Wipes

Adult Wipes vs. Baby Wipes vs. Wet Wipes: Which Ones Right?

Adult wipes or baby wipes or wet wipes are all the same…right? Not so!! What’s the difference? Aren’t they the same? We can give you information to help you decide which is right. READ MORE

Scooters Power Chairs

Scooter vs Power Wheelchair: Which Should You Choose

Wheelchairs and mobility scooters are both essential mobility aids that help those with limited mobility to move around. If you, like many, are confused and find it hard to differentiate between a scooter and a power wheelchair, this article is for you. READ MORE.

Patient Lift Slings

How to Choose the Best Lifting Sling for Patient Safety

Patient safety is important in both clinical and home settings. What should you consider when selecting a sling for maximum safety? What patient transfer sling do I need? What sling types are available? We can help. READ MORE

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