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Nutrition Category


Drinking and Eating Made Easier

There are very few things in this world that we must do, but eating and drinking is one of them.


Nutritional Needs during Pregnancy

Having balanced diet is important and it is more important when you’re pregnant. The baby inside you gets the nutrient from what you eat. Essentially increase the consumption of foods that are rich in protein, Vitamin D, iron, calcium and folate. Make these nutrients your top priority to nourish the baby inside you.


You Are What You Eat!!

I’m sure you’ve heard the saying: garbage in, garbage out. While it is normally used for computers, the same can be said for our nutrition.

Vitamin Supplements

Supplements – The Right Choice

A healthy diet is essential for healthy living but it is also important to ensure that your so-called healthy diet is all-round and complete! By complete we mean that it has all the nutrients, vitamins, minerals, protein, carbohydrates which are required by the body to stay fit.


Can Diet Aid in Wound Healing?

Eating a healing diet - rich in vitamins, protein and nutrients - while recovering from an injury or post-surgery can quicken the healing process of your wound.

Recently Added

Ostomy Guide

How to Keep Your Ostomy Bag from Ballooning

Ballooning in your ostomy device can lead to a blowout. What exactly is a blowout? How can I prevent this from happening? We have some information you might want. READ MORE


5 Best Arthritis Creams That Are Worth Buying

If you or someone you love is dealing with arthritis, buying an arthritis cream can be of help. To help you find the best arthritis cream, here is a list of 5 OTC arthritis creams that work wonders for relieving joint pain. READ MORE.

Patient Safety

7 Products for Fall Prevention in Hospitals

The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality reports a substantial number of hospitals falls each year, emphasizing the urgency to address this issue. But what are fall prevention products, and how can you find the right ones? READ MORE.

Diabetes Management Pregnancy Care

10 Tips For Gestational Diabetes Self Care

Pregnancy can take its toll on a woman's body, which is why proper prenatal care is vital to ensure a healthy mother and baby. There are so many things to be aware of which you may have taken for granted. Adding gestational diabetes into the mix can be quite challenging, and lifestyle changes are necessary to control blood sugar levels. READ MORE.

Back Pain

Top 5 Best TENS Units for Back Pain

Back pain can be especially debilitating and prevents you from going about your daily routine. When over-the-counter and prescription medication isn't enough, a great way to get some relief is with a TENS machine. READ MORE.


10 Health Benefits of a Humidifier

Using a humidifier has many health benefits. What is a humidifier good for? What does a humidifier do for you? We can give you the information you need. READ MORE

Anal Fissures

Anal Fissure Treatment at Home - 5 Things That Can Help!

Surgery is often thought of as the only option, but there are actually several ways to treat this condition at home. If you are interested in exploring those options, here are five effective options for anal fissure treatment at home that you can consider. READ MORE.

Mattress Accessories

7 Best Mattress Pads

A good-quality mattress pad is a thin layer of fabric that is placed on the mattress under a fitted sheet. Find 7 best mattress pads at HPFY. READ MORE.

Wound Management

5 Tips on How to Get Rid of Boils

That red bump on your face? It might not be regular run-of-the-mill acne or a pimple. This article will help you understand what a boil is and how to get rid of boils. READ MORE.

Ostomy Guide

Stoma Caps: Your Guide to Protect an Ostomy

People living with an ostomy can choose from various sizes. Would a stoma cap be right for me? When are they appropriate? Fortunately, we have the information you need. READ MORE

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