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Articles and News

Respiratory Category

Spacers and Inhalers

Tips On How to Use Aerochamber Plus Z Stat

Many children (and adults) who need respiratory medication can experience asthma attacks that occur suddenly and can even be life-threatening, so getting their medication into their lungs quickly is of paramount importance!! While nebulizers are good for long-term maintenance of asthma and other respiratory issues, a Metered Dose Inhaler (MDI) can be the best way for life-saving.


Breathe Better with Pari Trek S Portable Compressor Nebulizer Aerosol System

We humans need to take in oxygen in order to survive and many disorders like asthma and COPD make it very difficult to fill our lungs with air.The Pari Trek S Portable Compressor Nebulizer Aerosol System includes everything necessary to make any respiratory therapy simple and easy to use.

Spacers and Inhalers

OPEP Therapy System That Works For You

There is nothing quite as important as breathing. Yet, for those who suffer with COPD, asthma, or even cystic fibrosis breathing does not come as easy as it does to others? The Monaghan Aerobika OPEP (Oscillating Positive Expiratory Pressure) Therapy System does just that.By creating positive pressure to keep smaller airways open and oscillation to break up mucus, this drug-free device is simple.

Suction Machines and Aspirators

How the DeVilbiss Vacu-Aide Quiet Suction Unit Benefits You?

Many people may require additional medical support at home after dealing with a medical condition either in the hospital or in a clinical setting.Instead of traveling to the doctor’s office or local hospital, patients can now use the DeVilbiss Vacu-AideQuiet Suction Unit in the comfort and privacy of their own home.

Oxygen Concentrators

Use the O2 Concepts Oxlife Independence Portable Oxygen Concentrator Correctly

Many people require supplemental oxygen due to a variety of ailments – ranging from COPD to emphysema. Supplemental oxygen therapy usually is dependent upon large, heavy oxygen tanks that can leave those dependent upon this life-saving oxygen homebound. How do we allow these folks to regain their independence and quality of life? A portable oxygen concentrator (POC) can be a life-changing option.


Using the Pari Vios LC Plus Adult Aerosol Nebulizer Compressor to Breathe Better

Respiratory ailments such as COPD or asthma often require the administration of liquefied medication in an aerosol manner. The most efficient way to do this is with a nebulizer and not all nebulizers are equal. Many nebulizers utilize an open type of mouthpiece that can waste medication and minimize the efficacy of each treatment.

Air Purifiers

Health Benefits of Air Purifiers

Breathe easier today!! Air, one of the basic necessities for human survival, has suffered adversely due to increased industrialization and air pollution. The dip in air quality has given rise to numerous health problems, especially respiratory issues and chronic allergies.

Allergy Relief

Danger: This Flu Season Is for Real!!

If anyone has seen the news, this year’s flu season is one of the worst on record. Every state in the United States, except Hawaii, is reporting larger numbers of flu cases this year.

Oxygen Therapy

Pneumonia Oxygen Therapy Options: All You Need to Know

Breathing is perhaps the most essential physiological process. Any issue with your lungs affects the quality of your life and impacts your overall well-being. One such grave issue that can trouble your lungs is pneumonia.

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10 Essential Anti-Aging Foods That Are Great For Your Skin

10 Essential Anti-Aging Foods That Are Great For Your Skin

Eye Aids Making A Difference

Viral vs Bacterial Pink Eye: What's The Difference?

Conjunctivitis is an eye infection that causes inflammation in the eye. In this article, we will discuss the difference between viral and bacterial pink eye. READ MORE.

Patient Safety

5 Best Sit-to-Stand Lifts

Because lifting and transferring patients manually can be physically demanding and dangerous for the caregiver or patient, sit-to-stand patient lifts can provide comfort and peace of mind. With so many products available, how do you know which is the right sit-to-stand patient lift for your situation? HPFY has narrowed it down to the five best sit-to-stand lifts. READ MORE.

Mental Well Being

How to Recognize Seasonal Depression in Family and Friends

Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD, is a specific type of depression. By recognizing SAD in family and friends, you can help them rise above this issue and make the holiday season and winter months much easier and maybe even more joyful. READ MORE.

Wound Management

Toe Amputation Recovery: Tips for Wound Care at Home

Recovering from a toe amputation can be difficult. How do I care for this type of wound? How long is toe amputation recovery time? We can give you some tips and information you need. READ MORE

Patient Safety Best Patient Care Supplies

7 Essential Safe Lifting Tips for Caregivers

We have all had a situation where we have lifted something that we thought we could manage that turned out to be just the opposite. This is something always to be aware of when providing care. It is imperative to follow proper lifting techniques, which are crucial for caregivers to prevent injury to themselves and those that they are caring for. Here are 7 safe lifting tips for caregivers. READ MORE.

Blood Pressure

How Does Alcohol Raise Blood Pressure

If you were wondering, does alcohol raise blood pressure, here is the answer–it does. But how does alcohol affect blood pressure. READ MORE.


Bronchitis While Pregnant: Everything You Need To Know

Having bronchitis can be debilitating, more so when a woman develops bronchitis while pregnant. READ MORE.

Healthcare for Men

Best Penis Extenders for 2024: Your Buying Guide To Choose The Right One

With so many products, which one would the best penis extender for you? To help you narrow your options and make an informed decision, here are our best devices that can help with penis enlargement. READ MORE.

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