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Articles and News

Mobility Category

Wheelchair Cushions

Wheelchair Cushions: Make the Right Choice

Many people need to use a wheelchair in order to maintain their mobility. it’s important to choose the right seating cushion for your chair and needs. Read More

Mobility Guide

Going the Ergonomic Way - Ergonomic Aids

The term ergonomic basically means designed for efficacy, ease, and comfort in the working environment. The world has switched to ergonomic appliances and devices so as to ease the process of rehabilitation and making patients more comfortable. In the health sector, technology has helped us develop ergonomic aids that are specially designed to improve the process of rehabilitation.


Benefits of Wheelchairs

Longer distances can present a greater challenge to those with limited mobility and due to an injury/illness, or just aging in general, fatigue can be a major problem. Wheelchairs (both manual and powered) and even scooters can make these greater distances much easier to tackle.

Walkers Rollators

Accessorize Your Walker or Rollator

To properly use a walker or rollator you must always use two hands securely. It’s a lot like driving your car; the best way to do it is with two hands. As you can imagine this makes carrying any belongings problematic at best. How do you take your favorite magazine or maybe an umbrella?

Wheelchair Accessories

Pimp My Ride: Wheelchair Accessories

Some may think that being confined to a wheelchair to get around means not being able to take all our conveniences with us. Whether it may be our cell phone or shading us from the sun, there are plenty of ways to accessorize our mode of conveyance (fancy way to say wheelchair) so that we can experience life the way we want it.

Wheelchair Accessories

Be Safe: Wheelchair Safety for Users and Caretakers

Boy, do wheelchairs make things easier!! Whether for a temporary injury while recovering or for a permanent disability, the ability to roll around can make everyday activities much easier.

Wheelchair Cushions Wheelchair Accessories Bathroom and Shower Wheelchairs Beach Wheelchairs

Take Your Wheels with You: Traveling with Your Wheelchair

Many people feel that due to their injury or handicap that this lack of mobility means that they cannot travel. There are those that believe that since you may be reliant on a wheelchair to get around that actually they tether you to your home. This could not be further from the truth. Getting out and about is no longer a pipe dream to anyone who may be of limited mobility.

Patient Lift Slings

Sling Buyer's Guide

A safe patient transfer requires two things, a patient lift and a sling. There are many variations of slings, all dependent upon a patient’s needs. These slings cradle and lift a person during a transfer between a bed, wheelchair, or commode/shower chair.

Recently Added


7 Product for At-Home Whiplash Treatment

Clinical treatment for whiplash is great but for better results at home treatment may be required. How do I treat whiplash at home? What will I need? We can give you some information. READ MORE

Diapers and Briefs

How To Change An Adult Diaper

Whether you are a certified caregiver or caring for a family member, understanding how to change an adult diaper is of utmost importance. To understand the diaper-changing process and find answers to your questions about caring for an adult with incontinence READ MORE.

Diabetes Management

Diabetes Care - Hot Tub Safety

If you have been diagnosed with diabetes, then you know that even some things that are considered healthy are not exactly good for you. Hot tubs are not one of those things and can have some incredible benefits for diabetics. But there are some things to remember while using hot tub therapy for diabetes management. READ MORE.

Making A Difference

10 Makeup Mistakes That Are Aging You

Makeup can be a powerful tool, but certain mistakes can make you look older than you want to look. There are some essential things to keep in mind to look your best and enhance your natural features. Here are ten common mistakes that can age you, plus some important tips to keep your skin looking youthful. READ MORE.

Moisturizers/Skin Conditioners

5 Best Face Creams

Aging can take a toll on your skin and make it dry and itchy. Find 5 of our best face creams listed in this article. READ MORE.

Health & Wellness

15 Nutrient Dense Foods To Lose Weight

Adding nutrient-dense foods to your weight loss plan can help support your goals in many ways. Here is a list of 15 nutritious foods that will nourish your body, make you feel full, and can help you lose those extra pounds. READ MORE.

Diabetes Management

10 Tips for Diabetic Neuropathy Self-Care

Living with neuropathy can be complicated and needs to be done properly to avoid complications. How do I self-care for my feet? What do I need? We have important information you need for proper care. READ MORE

Foot Conditions

10 Things to Try for Immediate Relief for Metatarsalgia

Metatarsalgia is a medical condition that results in pain in the ball of the foot. It occurs due to issues with the metatarsal bones, connecting the toes to the ankles. For immediate pain relief from metatarsalgia, you can use home remedies and exercises. If you are also dealing with this condition and want something that can offer immediate relief for metatarsalgia, this article is for you. Here are 10 things you must try for metatarsalgia treatment at home. READ MORE.

Cardiovascular Health

7 Worst Foods For Your Heart

Harvard Medical School suggests having a diet of heart-healthy foods helps maintain good health. Here are 7 worst foods to avoid for a happy heart. READ MORE.

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