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Articles and News

Mobility Category


Choose Your Power Wheelchair Drive

In order to make the proper decision in choosing a wheelchair that is right for you and your lifestyle, you need to know what the specific differences of each type of wheel drive and configuration. We here at HPFY can give you the rundown on your options to help you choose.

Mobility Guide

iWalk vs Knee Scooter: Know the Difference Before Buying

Choosing the proper medical aid after an injury can truly help with your mobility during your rehabilitation. You should always choose one that is appropriate for your level of mobility so you can move around safely. For those recovering from a lower leg injury, We here at HPFY can help you make the proper decision before selecting your medical aid.


Preventing Pressure Sores In Wheelchair Users : 7 Products That Can Help

The fine line between maintaining your independence and mobility includes the risk of developing pressure ulcers for those who use wheelchairs daily. Pressure sores may seem like a minor problem, but they can lead to serious health issues down the road. These can be difficult to heal and can lead to serious infection over time. HPFY offers some tips that can help you avoiding pressure sores.


Top 10 Reviewed Wheelchairs 2024

Finding the proper wheelchair for your specific needs may seem like a daunting, almost impossible feat. As you can imagine, wheelchairs are not a one-size-fits-all solution to every mobility issue. As much as each person is individually different, so are wheelchairs. We here at HPFY are here to help you choose the best possible wheelchair by presenting the top 10 reviewed wheelchairs of 2021.


The UPWalker Walking Aid - Upright Walker

As we get older we can potentially become a little less stable on our feet and may require the need of some form of mobility aid. These can include canes, walkers, or even rolators and they have not really changed throughout the years. What if there was a new variation of the walker/rolator that might provide a different solution to this problem? The answer might be the UPWalker Walking Aid.


Top 5 Wheelchair Accessible Vacation Spots in USA

The United States of America is one of the leading countries in terms of wheelchair accessibility. But to call all of its cities 'wheelchair friendly' would be a misnomer. Certainly, some cities are much more wheelchair accessible than others. So, if you are planning a wheelchair friendly vacation for yourself or your family, start with the below-given list of cities.

Wheelchair Mobility Guide

How to Exercise While Seated in a Wheelchair?

Exercising while seated in a wheelchair is important for your overall health and can head off potential problems down the road. Our bodies are designed to move and when our mobility becomes impaired to the point where we need a wheelchair to get around; this immobility can have negative effects.

Portable Ramps

Choosing the Right Modular Wheelchair Ramps

Modular ramps are specifically design ramp systems used to transfer wheelchair from a lower level to a higher level and vice versa.

Portable Ramps

Portable Ramps for Wheelchair Users – Six Best Portable Ramps for 2024

Find the perfect portable ramp for those using a wheelchair with limited mobility to navigate the world around us at Health Products for You and regain your independence.

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Your Checklist for Home Infusion Therapy

Infusion therapy may sound or seem intimidating, but once you understand the process, it becomes a part of your daily routine. Conversely, keeping up with a regular stock of IV supplies is a more challenging task—unless you have read this article. READ MORE.

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