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Strangely enough, a leg lifter is the commonest of technologies one can use in their daily life. It isn’t operated by electricity; it doesn’t require an extensive instruction manual and works fine with all ages. But what exactly are leg-lifters? Well, in layman’s terms, a leg lifter is used to lift a patient’s leg into bed or onto another sleeping or sitting area.
With age comes wisdom, but it can also come with vision impairment. We may not have the eagle eyes we had when we were teenagers. Everyday tasks like reading the newspaper or an owner’s manual can become difficult when everything is blurry.
Telephony for the Hearing Impaired
As the old commercial states “reach out and touch someone,” but as we age phoning a friend or family member can become a little more difficult. Hearing loss can make everyday conversations, watching TV, or simply calling a grandchild a very frustrating endeavor. Depending on your level of loss, there are plenty of technology aids to help you communicate with your loved ones.
Keeping the eyes healthy is as important as keeping skin, muscles and bones healthy. Though overall healthy and active lifestyle is the key to bright eyes, add these healthy foods to diet to prevent them from macular degeneration, vision loss, dry eyes, cataracts, and problems with night vision.
The Right Nutrition – Ostomy Food
Having an ostomy should never stop you from having foods that you like. But one should be careful that the foods do not cause any problem for you. The first step is to always ask your doctor on the foods that are good for your health and also those that are neutral.
Why use Squatty Potty Ecco Toilet Stool?
There is a bend in our digestive tracts between the rectum and anus in an upright position, which stops us from pooping. It is similar to a bend in a garden hose that stops the flow of water. When sitting on the toilet seat, with knees at a right angle, our puborectalis muscle (the muscle responsible for continence) relaxes only partially.
Thanks Mom!! Happy Mother’s Day!!
Let’s face it, without our moms where would we be? It was our moms that kissed our boo-boos, baked our cookies, and took care of us as we grew up. The least we could do is honor our moms every second Sunday of May, so make it a point to give your mother a big hug and kiss and a thank you for all her sacrifices.
This type of transfer bench is very different from the other types of benches as in this; the user simply sits on a seat and then slides to the other side, usually on rails or a sliding frame. This reduces friction in movement considerably and makes it easy for more highly dependent patients.
Studies show that many accidents take place in the bathroom, and this is more true in homes of the elderly. People who are differently abled often don’t consider the bathroom as a very friendly area of the house. The main is reason is because they’re afraid of either slipping or falling in the bathroom, mainly because they do not have complete control of their motor functions.
How to Manage Cavity Wounds with Wound Fillers
Treating cavity wounds needs to be done properly and safely. How do I manage this type of wound? What are wound fillers? We have the information you need. READ MORE
Dealing With Health Anxiety: 12 Tips On How To Stop Being A Hypochondriac
Hypochondria is a recognized mental health anxiety condition that is often treated with cognitive behavior therapy and medication in some cases. It can cause major distress and make everyday life overwhelming. Because hypochondria is an anxiety disorder, treating and managing this health issue focuses on strategies to manage anxiety and improve quality of life. READ MORE.
Bracing or splinting the elbow reduces any strain on the tendons & allows the joint to rest properly. Here are HPFY's 5 best Golfer's elbow braces. READ MORE.
Fibromyalgia and Sleep: How To Cope With Sleep Issues
Fibromyalgia and sleep issues go hand-in-hand for many fibromyalgia patients. When you combine fatigue, pain, and insomnia, quality of life can be greatly diminished. Not getting proper sleep can also contribute to the symptoms. READ MORE to dive deeper into the connection of fibromyalgia and sleep issues and some ways to manage them.
How To Stop Worrying About Everything
If you feel as though you worry too much about things, you are not alone. Let's look at some ways to combat this persistent anxiety. Here is how to stop worrying about everything.
7 Tips To Manage Exercise-Induced Asthma
Having problems and experiencing nausea after working out can make staying active difficult, but exercise-induced asthma should not come in the way of your passion for fitness. To help you get past this condition and remain in the pink of health, here are some tips to manage asthma induced by exercise. READ MORE.
7 Tips To Cope With Sundowners Syndrome
Sundowner's syndrome is a condition where symptoms tend to worsen when the sun goes down in the late afternoon and evening. There are ways to combat sundowner's syndrome to help manage the symptoms and improve overall well-being. Click to read seven tips for coping with sundowner's syndrome.
Pull ups for teenagers help in managing their condition. If you are looking for pull-ups to help your young ones, here are the 5 best options available at HPFY. READ MORE.
Breathe Better: 14 Foods for Healthy Lungs & Improving Breathing
Our diet can keep our lungs healthy and improve our breathing. What foods should you be eating? What should you avoid? We have some information you need. READ MORE