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5 Tips About Using A Neck Brace For Sleeping

Wearing a neck brace incorrectly can lead to issues. Here are some tips for wearing a cervical collar sitting or resting for long periods can make your neck muscles stiff. Gentle movements like slight walking can help loosen this tension. Find 5 tips for wearing a neck brace for sleeping.

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How to Bathe an Elderly Person in Bed?

Bathing is the best way to maintain hygiene and knowing how to bathe the elderly properly can minimize injury risk and HPFY can help.

General Use Syringes

Choosing The Right Type Of Syringes

When you think about a syringe probably only one thing comes to mind…a shot. The truth is there is much more to a syringe then you actually realize. For eg, what is the difference between oral syringes and injectable syringes?Apparently there are some quite significant differences between syringes. We here at Health Products for You can give you some information you may not have been aware of.

Ostomy Tips

Ostomy Nutrition

As you can imagine, what you eat has an impact on your digestive system. When living with an ostomy you should pay close attention to the types of food you ingest. Since ostomy patients don’t have complete control over their bowels, the impact of digested food can be more pronounced than in someone with an intact digestive system.


10 Best Products for Bedridden Patients You Must Have

Finding healthcare products for bedridden may seem like a complicated & confusing. With so many products available, able to identify the “must have” products can save patients money. Even though each patient has their specific needs, there can be products that are essential to those who are bedridden. We here at HPFY can help identify some of these very important products for bedridden patients.

CPAP Machines

SoClean: CPAP Cleaning Made Easier

Since breathing is important to us, making sure our airwaves are clear, open, and free from obstructions is paramount. For anyone diagnosed with sleep apnea, your CPAP machine is a crucial piece of equipment to ensure a healthy night’s sleep. Yes, your CPAP machine will keep your airway open during the night.

Resistance Bands and Tubing

Understanding Resistance Band Color Code

Resistance exercise bands come in a number of colors and it’s not just for decoration. These physical therapy bands use these different colors in order to let the user know the force of the resistance that band offers. As your therapy/exercise program progresses, you can use these colors in order to increase resistance to gain strength or rehab from an injury in a safe manner.


How to Quickly & Easily Block Unwanted Calls: CPR Call Blocker

There is nothing more frustrating than sitting down for a nice dinner and then the phone rings. A lot of us have registered for the federal no call lists, but for some reason we still are the targets of these unwanted, bothersome phone calls. Wouldn’t it be great if there was a way to eliminate these nuisance calls? Well there may be and it’s the CPR Call Blocker.

Making A Difference

Top Travel Tips & Destinations for Disabilities

Who doesn’t love to travel? But for those who have a disability the prospect of going on a vacation may seem like a pipe dream. This wonderful world we live in is not always 100% handicap accessible and sometimes extremely frustrating to those who may have limited mobility or some other disability.


Strategies for Calming Autistic Tantrums

Each autistic child is different and so is the trigger that can cause a tantrum. With autism, it’s not just a matter of saying your grounded or “timeout” in order to calm your child down. Having strategies that work for calming your specific child may seem improbable, but with a little foresight and some help from child’s therapist we can develop a plan to help diffuse autistic tantrums.

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