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Articles and News

Incontinence Category

Perineal Skin Care

Top 5 Best Barrier Creams for Incontinence

Barrier Cream, also known as skin barrier cream, is a type of skincare product applied directly to the skin surface to maintain a physical barrier against infection and irritants. Skin Barrier Creams provide protection from irritants and prevent the skin from drying out. Find out the best barrier creams for skincare at HPFY.

Perineal Skin Care

How to Get Rid of Urine Smell From Body: Solutions That Work

Smelly urine is a common concern shared amongst many people dealing with incontinence. Well, not anymore. It is hard to get the unbearable urine smell out of yourself, the house, garments, and bedding. But it is not impossible to get rid of smelly urine. All you need is a bunch of good infection control supplies and a little tactic.

Diapers and Briefs

Top 5 Best Adult Diapers for Men

Adult Diapers are also known as underwear used by people with continence problems. These diapers for older people let them urinate or defecate by holding the waste products and preventing leakage. Adult Cloth Diapers are manufactured with synthetic disposable materials.

Bladder Control

Overactive Bladder - Symptoms, Causes, And Treatments

An overactive bladder is not a normal part of aging. It is one of many types of urinary incontinence (UI) and more than 33 million people in the US have this condition. Learn more about Overactive Bladder and urinary incontinence from HPFY Experts.

Incontinence Guide

5 Frequently Asked Questions About Urinary Incontinence

Here hpfy mentioned about top FAQ question which always asks incontinence patient

Incontinence Guide

Staying Social During the Holidays with Incontinence

Living with incontinence can be a hassle under normal circumstances, but it can become a real challenge during certain times, such as the holidays. Expert Advice. Learn More.

Perineal Skin Care

Skin Care and Hygiene Tips for Incontinence

Maintaining skin for those who deal with fecal or urinary incontinence is vital. The skin is our first line of defense against infection and is the largest organ in the body. Preventing skin breakdown should be a high priority.

Incontinence Guide

Urinary Incontinence and Excess Weight

Studies show that obesity has a positive association with urinary incontinence (UI). Urinary incontinence affects about 50% of middle-aged and older women.Obesity can create chronic strain on the bladder, stretch and weaken the nerves and muscles of the pelvic floor which contributes to UI. Learn More about it @HPFY

Perineal Skin Care

Intimate Hygiene: The Importance of Genital Hygiene - Keeping It Clean & Healthy Down There

Genital hygiene is important to keep your body well groomed. A good genital hygiene routine helps keep infections at bay and prevent the spread of sexually transmitted diseases.

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10 Health Benefits of a Humidifier

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Surgery is often thought of as the only option, but there are actually several ways to treat this condition at home. If you are interested in exploring those options, here are five effective options for anal fissure treatment at home that you can consider. READ MORE.

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7 Best Mattress Pads

A good-quality mattress pad is a thin layer of fabric that is placed on the mattress under a fitted sheet. Find 7 best mattress pads at HPFY. READ MORE.

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5 Tips on How to Get Rid of Boils

That red bump on your face? It might not be regular run-of-the-mill acne or a pimple. This article will help you understand what a boil is and how to get rid of boils. READ MORE.

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Stoma Caps: Your Guide to Protect an Ostomy

People living with an ostomy can choose from various sizes. Would a stoma cap be right for me? When are they appropriate? Fortunately, we have the information you need. READ MORE

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10 Best Products for Dementia Patients

Seniors with dementia can become angry and agitated. Is there a way to calm dementia patients? What products benefit them most? We have 10 great products. READ MORE

IV Supplies

Your Checklist for Home Infusion Therapy

Infusion therapy may sound or seem intimidating, but once you understand the process, it becomes a part of your daily routine. Conversely, keeping up with a regular stock of IV supplies is a more challenging task—unless you have read this article. READ MORE.

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