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Aritcle by

Kevin Cleary

Kevin Cleary has been a Health Products For You contributor for many years and has a degree in marketing. His health and wellness journey has a very personal meaning and has guided him in his content writing for HPFY.

In 2006, he sustained an injury while jumping on a trampoline with his son, severely injuring his neck and has been living as a quadriplegic since. His injury forced him to learn facets of the medical product field that he would otherwise not have known.

After several years of therapy, he has used many medical devices such as wheelchairs, standing frames, neuromuscular stimulators, as well as other rehab/therapy items that have helped him live life to the fullest. This hands-on insight has helped him with research and content creation. Kevin enjoys sampling cuisines from different countries, listening to music, watching sports and enjoying a glass of single malt scotch!

In a candid conversation with Linda Guerrera, HPFY's Digital Content Manager, Kevin opens up about his life-altering experience and its profound impact on him. Join us as we delve into his remarkable journey, where resilience, determination, and the power of the human spirit shine through. Click here to watch Kevin's Series, Paralyzed But Not Defeated.

CPAP Machines

CPAP or BiPAP: Which Is Right for You?

Kevin Cleary Jun 11, 2015

Yes, breathing is important to us. It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out what might happen if we are not able to breathe properly.

CPAP Machines

Keep It Clean: CPAP Maintenance

Kevin Cleary Jun 13, 2015

For the millions of Americans that are affected by sleep apnea or even COPD, their CPAP or Bi-level Positive Airway Pressure systems are important to them. By using CPAP therapy, the risk of serious health problems can be avoided.

Wheelchair Accessories

Pimp My Ride: Wheelchair Accessories

Kevin Cleary Jun 15, 2015

Some may think that being confined to a wheelchair to get around means not being able to take all our conveniences with us. Whether it may be our cell phone or shading us from the sun, there are plenty of ways to accessorize our mode of conveyance (fancy way to say wheelchair) so that we can experience life the way we want it.

Blood Pressure Monitors and Kits

911!! Preventing, Identifying, and Treating Autonomic Dysreflexia

Kevin Cleary Jun 22, 2015

There are numerous issues that can develop after suffering a spinal cord injury that can impact your life negatively. Besides the obvious lack of mobility, maladies such as pressure sores, bowel and bladder complications as well as what might seem as innocuous illnesses or injuries may cause someone suffering from SCI major problems.

Nursing Aids

Nursing: It Does a Body Good!!

Kevin Cleary Jun 22, 2015

There is nothing more awesome than a newborn child. First-time mothers (and fathers) are then bound to experience a large quantity of unknowns. One of the biggest questions any new mother must face is whether or not to breast-feed their child.


You Are What You Eat!!

Kevin Cleary Jun 22, 2015

I’m sure you’ve heard the saying: garbage in, garbage out. While it is normally used for computers, the same can be said for our nutrition.

Maternity Products

Nursing Made Easier: Breast-Feeding Aids

Kevin Cleary Jul 02, 2015

As new mothers juggle their hectic day or career, nursing their new babies takes up more of their already diminished time. How can we make this easier for them? The added burden of nursing a newborn child can seem daunting especially if there are other children to take care of or a career that they love.

Diabetic Nutrition

Diabetic Diet Plan: Best and Worst Foods for Diabetes

Kevin Cleary Jul 15, 2015

Diabetes is on the rise, yet most cases are preventable with healthy lifestyle changes. Taking steps to prevent and control diabetes doesn’t mean living in deprivation; it means eating a balanced diet that will boost your energy. You don’t have to give up sweets entirely or resign yourself to a lifetime of bland food. With these tips, you can take pleasure from your meals without feeling hungry.

Bath Safety Products

Building the Perfect Shower for People with Disabilities

Kevin Cleary Jul 15, 2015

Perhaps the most dangerous room in the home for anyone with a disability is the bathroom. Traditional bathrooms do not even come close to providing the disabled with a safe and accessible environment. But there are several steps you can take to make sure your bathroom is more handicap-accessible.

Blood Pressure Monitors

Don’t Blow Your Stack: Keep an Eye on Your Blood Pressure

Kevin Cleary Sep 02, 2015

We all experience stress at one time or another, but stress is not the only thing that can raise your blood pressure.

Tennis Elbow

Game, Set, and Match!! Dealing with Tennis Elbow

Kevin Cleary Sep 03, 2015

We all love getting out and being active. The weekend warrior in us always seems to think we can play all the old sports we use to when we were younger. Sometimes during these activities we have to deal with an injury on Monday such as tennis elbow. Many people do not understand what the actual injury is when we say “tennis elbow.”


Let’s Get 40 Winks: Beating Insomnia

Kevin Cleary Sep 15, 2015

We all crave a restful, full night’s sleep. Unfortunately, this eludes some people and they can end up with a restless night sleep making them fatigued and tired the next day.