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Kevin Cleary has been a Health Products For You contributor for many years and has a degree in marketing. His health and wellness journey has a very personal meaning and has guided him in his content writing for HPFY.
In 2006, he sustained an injury while jumping on a trampoline with his son, severely injuring his neck and has been living as a quadriplegic since. His injury forced him to learn facets of the medical product field that he would otherwise not have known.
After several years of therapy, he has used many medical devices such as wheelchairs, standing frames, neuromuscular stimulators, as well as other rehab/therapy items that have helped him live life to the fullest. This hands-on insight has helped him with research and content creation. Kevin enjoys sampling cuisines from different countries, listening to music, watching sports and enjoying a glass of single malt scotch!
In a candid conversation with Linda Guerrera, HPFY's Digital Content Manager, Kevin opens up about his life-altering experience and its profound impact on him. Join us as we delve into his remarkable journey, where resilience, determination, and the power of the human spirit shine through. Click here to watch Kevin's Series, Paralyzed But Not Defeated.
Fighting Exercise-Induced Broncoconstriction (EIB)
As it turns out, our bodies require the intake of oxygen in order to perform or even stay alive. Often we experience medical conditions that interfere with this process and can make life pretty miserable. For those with exercise-induced broncoconstriction or EIB, working out or partaking in any physical activities (sports, manual labor, or playing with the kids) can be difficult.
What Puts You at Risk for Lymphedema?
Some treatments for cancer can have negative side effects and the risk of lymphedema is definitely one of them. Damage to the lymphatic system during treatment for cancer can lead to swelling in different parts of the body. To fully combat this means fully understanding the risk factors of lymphedema and finding medical aids to combat the effects of lymphedema since there is no cure.
The UPWalker Walking Aid - Upright Walker
As we get older we can potentially become a little less stable on our feet and may require the need of some form of mobility aid. These can include canes, walkers, or even rolators and they have not really changed throughout the years. What if there was a new variation of the walker/rolator that might provide a different solution to this problem? The answer might be the UPWalker Walking Aid.
The Benefits of Sheepskin in Medical Care
Healthy alternatives are always popular and sheepskin is no different. We here at HPFY give you 10 important sheepskin health benefits.
Benefits of Vibrating Mesh Technology
Respiratory therapy helps patients breathe better and a nebulizer is a great tool to have. Using a nebulizer with vibrating mesh technology may optimize your respiratory therapy.
Preventing Pressure Sores In Wheelchair Users : 7 Products That Can Help
The fine line between maintaining your independence and mobility includes the risk of developing pressure ulcers for those who use wheelchairs daily. Pressure sores may seem like a minor problem, but they can lead to serious health issues down the road. These can be difficult to heal and can lead to serious infection over time. HPFY offers some tips that can help you avoiding pressure sores.
How to Get Rid of Gut Inflammation: Tips & Advice?
Almost everyone would prefer to avoid inflammation in their gut and who would blame them. As a general rule, a lot of our physical woes can be traced to our gut and digestive system. A digestive tract that is out of order can lead to potential issues such as constipation, weight gain, and even depression. Your overall health and illnesses can start and finish with what you eat.
Traveling with Back Pain? Tips and Tricks for Pain Free Travel
Your spine is not a big fan of travel and this can be exponentially increased during the travel season known as the “holiday traveling season.” Many times this can include hours in cars, planes, or even trains in a seated position. Ouch!! As you can imagine, finding a way to travel so that your spine is pain free would definitely be of interest to those with travel plans and back pain.
Ostomy Woes: Stoma Problems And Their Solutions
Adjusting to life after an ostomy surgery may seem daunting and nerve-racking. Maintaining a healthy stoma is crucial to avoiding potentially serious health issues down the road. Whether it’s an ileostomy or colostomy, the focal point of your hygiene and cleaning routine should be your stoma and the surrounding area. By understanding what potential issues may arise can help you be proactive .
iWalk vs Knee Scooter: Know the Difference Before Buying
Choosing the proper medical aid after an injury can truly help with your mobility during your rehabilitation. You should always choose one that is appropriate for your level of mobility so you can move around safely. For those recovering from a lower leg injury, We here at HPFY can help you make the proper decision before selecting your medical aid.
Proper Lifting Techniques: 8 Steps for Lifting Heavy Objects from the Floor
We have all faced the need to lift a heavy object and have probably done so without injury. Did you know that you can cause serious injury if you use improper lifting techniques? Lifting a heavy object incorrectly can lead to acute muscle or ligament strains that can last for only short periods or linger longer. These strains are small little tears in the actual muscles of the lower back.
Tips To Prevent High Cholesterol
There are some health issues that we can control and some that we cannot. High cholesterol may be the most important one. Cholesterol is found in all of our cells and the food we eat. We have all been warned about the dangers of high cholesterol in our diet, but do we truly understand the health risks associated with high cholesterol and how to possibly prevent high cholesterol?