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Stoelting Stroop Color And Word Test Kit

Product Option

Adult Version

SKU 30150
$145.69 Each

Children Version

SKU 30149
$145.69 Each
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Stoelting Stroop Color And Word Test Kit provides a diagnosis of brain dysfunction and the evaluation of stress, personality cognition and psychopathology. The Stroop phenomenon is useful in the identification of a number of significant disorders and recommended as a valuable test for ADD or ADHD, oppositional defiant disorder and to ascertain the degree of independence likely to be achieved by individuals with frontal lobe disorders.


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  • Stoelting Stroop Color And Word Test Kit includes:
    - Appropriate Manual
    - Package of 25 Test Booklets for its corresponding age range
  • Differentiates normal, non brain damaged psychiatric and brain damaged subjects
  • Stroop tests basic processes, is stable over long periods of time and is easy to administer and score
  • Cognitive dimension tapped by Stroop is associated with:
    - Cognitive flexibility
    - Resistance to interference from outside stimuli
    - Creativity
    - Psychopathology
  • Influences the individuals ability to cope with cognitive stress and process complex output
  • Each Stroop Test Booklet consists of 3 basic parts:
    - Word Page:
    The names of color printed in black ink
    - Color Page:
    Semantically meaningless symbols (X) printed in colored ink
    - Color Word Page:
    Comprised of the words from the first page, printed in the colors from the second page with the restriction that the word and color do not match
  • Age Range:
    - Adult version: 15 years and up
    - Children version: 5 to 14 years
  • Time required: 5 minutes, individual administration
  • Authors:
    - Adult Version: Charles Golden, Ph. D. and Shawna M. Freshwater
    - Childrens Version: Charles Golden, Ph. D., Shawna Freshwater and Zarabeth Golden

More Information

  • Developed in response to the demand for a Stroop Test specifically normed, and interpreted for children, these new materials detail administration, scoring and interpretive strategies for these younger clients
  • Interpretation of a childs score is more difficult than an adults, as it is affected by developmental trends, possible learning disabilities, attention problems, emotional problems and overall maturity
  • Childrens Version of the Stroop has been designed to avoid measurement issues that exist in attempting to apply the scoring approach of the adult Stroop to childrens data
  • Interpretive strategies also differ between younger (ages 5 to 10) and older children (ages 11 to 14), and are presented separately in the Childrens Manual
  • Scoring, interpretation strategies and literature have been updated for both versions of the Stroop
  • Both manuals include new norms for their respective populations
  • Childrens Version uses T-scores, derived from means and standard deviation, by age
  • Adult T-scores are tabled, based on multiple regression equations, utilizing education and age
  • Task is to look at each sheet and move down the columns, reading words or naming the ink colors, as quickly as possible, within a given time limit
  • Test yields 3 scores, and interference, based on the number of items completed
  • Since it requires only 5 minutes to administer, the Stroop Color and Word Test is an exceptionally useful screening instrument, which may be used alone, or as part of a larger screening battery

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