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Orfit Pre-Cut Non-Perforated NS Colored Thin Strips

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Gold And Silver, 2mm - 1/12"

$45.15 10/Pack

Gold, 2mm - 1/12"

SKU 8113GO.1/NS
$49.79 10/Pack
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Orfit Pre-Cut Non-Perforated NS Colored Thin Strips are designed for the quick and easy production of orthosis, external immobilization devices and rehabilitation aids. These are cut from a low temperature thermoplastic sheet of coated material. The pre-cut Orfit Strips are specifically designed to facilitate the fabrication of smaller orthosis with more detail, and for creative input in functional assistive devices.


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  • Non-adhesive when wet heated, or when dry heated and extra powdered with talcum
  • Slightly adhesive when dry heated at a low temperature
  • Fully adhesive when dry heated at a high temperature
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  • Instructions For Use

    - Cut the Orfit Strip into the estimated length prior to activation, using a suitable pair of scissors or cutter.
    1. Activate the Orfit Strip until it is completely soft. Take it out of the water and dry briefly on a towel for a few seconds.
    2. Several application techniques are possible:
    - gravity technique: use gravity to assist the moulding process.
    - closed technique: mould the material around the body part and overlap the edges.
    3. In case of accidental bonding, let Orfit Strips harden completely so that parts that are stuck can be separated. Reactivation in hot water is then safe again.
    4. Remove the orthosis from the patient when the moulded Orfit Strips have hardened. Excessive material can be trimmed before complete hardening. To do so, use a suitable pair of bandage scissors. The cooling time can be shortened by means of cold water, cold air, a cold bandage or a cold spray.
    5. To attach straps to the completed orthosis, the NS film (coating) must be removed locally. It can be scratched off with a knife, sandpaper or with a grinding tool. Use hot dry heat to make the spots sticky.
  • Technical Activation
    1. Orfit Strips are activated and softened by heating at a minimum temperature of 65°C (149°F). Possible activation sources are: water bath, dry heater, heat gun, heating plate, hot air oven. The activation time depends on the heat source and varies from 2 to 5 minutes.
    2. When using a heat gun, do not exceed 250°C (482°F) to avoid breakdown of the material.
    When using a heating plate or an oven, the hot surface must be covered with a Teflon film.
    3. Please note: temperatures of 65°C (149°F) or more can also be reached in the patient;s daily life. Think of a closed car in the summer, the surface of a hot radiator, a sauna or the proximity of an open fireplace.
    4. High temperatures up to a maximum of 120°C (248°F) do not damage Orfit Strips, but are not user-friendly. High temperatures are allowed provided that the activation time is reduced accordingly and that the product is sufficiently rubbed with talcum powder. Wear gloves and do not apply Orfit Strips Sdirectly to the patient at these high activation temperatures.
  • Anti-Swan Orthosis
    1. Take one piece of Orfit Strips (Gold or Sonic Silver 0.5 cm wide).
    2. Cut it into two pieces: one piece of 10 cm and one piece of 5 cm.
    3. Activate both pieces of the Orfit Strips in hot water of minimum 65°C (149°F) and dry briefly on a towel.
    4. Place the middle of the largest piece over the dorsal part of the proximal phalanx and bring both ends to overlap over the distal part of the middle phalanx while the Proximal Interphalangeal (PIP) joint is flexed.
    5. Let this oval shaped Orfit Strip harden on the patient.
    6. Take the second piece of the Orfit Strips and place it directly under the PIP joint so that it overlaps on the outer borders of the hardened oval.
    7. When both pieces have hardened, carefully remove the shaped Orfit Strip. 8. Trim the edges of the oval shaped part.
    9. Trim the edges of the overlapping parts as well.
    10. Use a heat gun to make both ends of the oval shape sticky.
    11. Use a heat gun to make both overlapping ends sticky as well.
    12. Attach the sticky overlapping edges to the sticky parts of the oval shape. 13. Dip into cold water to let the orthosis completely harden and place over the flexed finger.
    14. The Anti-Swan orthosis allows full flexion while preventing hyperextension of the PIP joint.
    15. Many additional orthosis and rehabilitation aids can be fabricated from Orfit Strips. Use your creativity to come up with your own designs.
  • Cleaning Instructions
    - Orthoses made of Orfit Strips should be cleaned daily.
    - Use lukewarm water and liquid soap, biological detergent or toothpaste. Rinse well and dry thoroughly.
    - Never use solvents
    - Avoid acid detergents
    - Sterilisation of Orfit Strips orthosis in an autoclave is impossible. - -
    - Disinfection is possible with alcohol, quaternary ammonium or a solution of commercial disinfecting soaps (HAC , Sterillium, etc.).
    - Avoid prolonged contact with detergents and acids which may affect the NS film.
  • Storage
    - Orfit Strips should be stored vertically, if supported and horizontally if not. - Stock should be kept in a dark, cool, dry place at a temperature of min. 10°C (50°F) and max. 30°C (86°F) and in the original packaging.
    - Once removed from the packaging, left-overs should be placed back in the packaging for storage to avoid adhesion of the NS film and biodegradation.
    - Low temperature thermoplastics can only be kept for a limited period of time and must be protected as much as possible from light, heat and humidity.
    - The material ages in relation to storage circumstances. When aged, it becomes brittle and often very stretchy when activated.
  • Precautions Before Use
    - Make sure the workplace is well-ventilated to avoid overheating.
    - The necessary tools should in no way put the patient at risk.
    - Position the patient comfortably and ensure that you have easy access to their involved extremity
  • Warnings
    - Be careful of possible cuts when using a cutter.
    - Always keep the assisting hand away from the cutting line
    - Make sure that the temperature of the activated material will not burn the patient
    - Orfit Strips are:
    1. Non-adhesive when wet heated, or when dry heated and extra powdered with talcum.
    2. Slightly adhesive when dry heated at a low temperature.
    3. Fully adhesive when dry heated at a high temperature
    - As with all thermoplastics, take advantage of the stretch and the elasticity of Orfit Strips while moulding but be aware that the product may tear if overstretched
  • Caution
    - Orfit Strips are not suitable for internal use.
    - This product may not be used on open wounds or in the mouth.
    - Never use an open flame to activate Orfit Strips.
    - To make orthosis and rehabilitation aids, Orfit Strips may only be used by qualified health professional.

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