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Nurse Assist USP Sterile Saline For Irrigation

Product Option

100 mL USP Normal Saline, Bottle

SKU WE6240
$1.19 Each

100 mL USP Normal Saline, Bottle

SKU WE6240
$52.29 48/Pack
$1.09 Each

100 mL USP Sterile Water, Bottle

SKU WE6250
$2.29 Each

100 mL USP Sterile Water, Bottle

SKU WE6250
$43.99 48/Pack
$0.92 Each

120 mL USP Sterile Water, Cup

SKU WE6210
$1.39 Each

120 mL USP Normal Saline, Cup

SKU WE6220
$2.49 Each

250 mL USP Normal Saline, Bottle

SKU WE6270
$2.57 Each
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Nurse Assist USP Sterile Normal Saline for Irrigation is used for a variety of purposes, such as wound irrigation, cleaning of medical devices, and dilution of medications. The product is a sterile saline solution that is made to US Pharmacopeia (USP) standards, ensuring its quality, purity, and consistency. The solution has a balanced pH and isotonic, meaning it has the same salt concentration as the human body. This makes it gentle on tissues and reduces the risk of damage to tissues.

Nurse Assist USP Sterile Normal Saline Benefits

  • Sterile
  • Ready to use
  • Purified using an advanced 6-stage water purification


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Features of USP Normal Saline For Irrigation

  • Purified with an advanced multi-stage process using Reverse Osmosis
  • Sterile saline for irrigation has diverse applications across medical specialties, including wound care, urology, obstetrics and gynecology, and ophthalmology, among others
  • Ready to use, which eliminates the need for additional preparation or mixing
  • Multiple package options for customer convenience
  • This wound cleanser has a six-stage water purification process:
    1. Reverse Osmosis
    2. Deionization
    3. Ion Exchange
    4. Multi-Wavelength Ultraviolet Bacterial Elimination
    5. Micro Filtration
    6. Post Gamma Radiation Sterilization

When to use this normal saline?


  • Not for injection
  • No antimicrobial or other substances are added
  • Federal law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician
  • Contents are sterile unless the container is opened or damaged

Frequently Bought Together

Sterile Water vs. Normal Saline for Bladder Irrigation

Sterile Water

Normal Saline

1. Composition: Sterile water is pure, distilled water without any additional additives or electrolytes. 1. Composition: Normal saline is a solution of sterile water and sodium chloride at a concentration similar to that found in the body.
2. Hypotonicity: Sterile water is hypotonic, meaning it has a lower concentration of solutes compared to body fluids. This can cause water to move into the surrounding tissues, potentially leading to cell swelling or lysis. 2. Isotonicity: It is isotonic, meaning it has the same concentration of solutes as body fluids. This makes it compatible with the body's cells and minimizes the risk of cellular damage or fluid shifts.
3. Limited electrolyte balance: Sterile water lacks electrolytes, such as sodium and chloride, which are necessary for maintaining proper fluid balance and cell function. 3. Electrolyte balance: It provides essential electrolytes, primarily sodium and chloride, which help maintain the body's proper fluid and electrolyte balance.
4. Specific uses: Sterile water may be used in certain cases where a hypotonic solution is required, such as in urological procedures or when diluting medications for bladder instillation. It is not commonly used for routine bladder irrigation. 4. Common use: It is frequently used for bladder irrigation as it provides a balanced solution, promotes gentle irrigation, and can help flush out debris or clots. It is considered safe and compatible with bladder tissue.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is normal saline for irrigation?

A saline solution is a salt and water solution. The sodium concentration in a normal saline solution is 0.9 percent sodium chloride (salt), which is similar to that in blood and tears.

2. Why is normal saline used for irrigation?

Normal saline is the most commonly used wound irrigation solution because of its safety (lowest toxicity) and physiologic factors. One disadvantage is that it is less effective than other solutions at cleaning dirty, necrotic wounds.

3. Is the multipurpose solution the same as a saline solution?

Unlike multipurpose and hydrogen peroxide-based solutions, saline-based solutions cannot clean or disinfect lenses. On the other hand, saline Solution for Sensitive Eyes is designed to store and clean contact lenses, keeping them fresh, moist, and ready to use.

4. Is normal saline used for bladder irrigation?

Normal saline solution is often used to continuously irrigate the bladder following prostatectomy to prevent clot retention.

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