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McKesson Fiberglass Cast Tape - Red

Brand: MCKESSON SKU: 115-2R
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2 Inch X 12 Foot

SKU 115-2R
$44.02 10/Pack

3 Inch X 12 Foot

SKU 115-3R
$51.44 10/Pack
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McKesson Fiberglass Cast Tape gives many great options for a customized experience without losing any of the quality features of a great cast tape. Strong and durable due to being made of synthetic fiberglass material, this cast tape won’t need to be replaced as often as a result of fewer breakdowns. Make it last even longer with cast protectors for when it is exposed to water. It remains comfortable and lightweight, allowing for better movement and use with its porous weave in order for the skin to breathe.


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McKesson Cast Tape Features

  • McKesson Cast Tape dries quickly 
  • Handle pressure on it within twenty minutes
  • Water-activated resin lets you control working time according to application needs
  • High and early strength allows for weight-bearing in 20-minutes and provides a durable cast with less chance of breakdown and the need for costly repairs or replacements
  • Lightweight for easy mobility
  • Stretches to conform well to contours for a more comfortable better-fitting cast
  • A porous weave allows the skin to breathe

What to buy with Red McKesson Cast Tape

How to use McKesson Fiberglass Cast Tape?

  1. Preparation of the site, wound management, fracture reduction, postsurgical care and general patient supervision should follow established practices. Slip one or two layers of stockinet over the affected part, and/or wrap with McKesson cast padding. If desired, additional cast padding may be used for greater protection of pressure points and bony prominences. It is important to use a water-shedding stockinet and cast padding to enable thorough drying if the cast should be immersed in water.
  2. Gloves MUST be worn while wrapping the casting tape since the resin in the tape will transfer and adhere to the skin.
  3. Select the desired width of McKesson casting tape. Open only one roll at a time, since room humidity may initiate hardening.
  4. Immerse the roll of tape in room temperature water 70-75°F (21-24°C). NOTE: Three firm squeezes of the roll while it is submerged will give a set time of approximately 3 minutes. To lengthen the set time, immerse the roll and remove it immediately without squeezing. This technique will give a set time of approximately 4 minutes. When using McKesson casting tapes, there may be a decrease in slipperiness if the roll is not squeezed while submerged in water. Warmer water shortens the set time while cooler water will lengthen it. If the roll is immersed in water above 80°F (27°C) an increase in exotherm may be noted.
  5. Construct the cast by wrapping spirally, overlapping the previous turn one-half to two-thirds the width of the tape. As with any cast, take care to avoid excessive tightness. To ensure a snug fit, however, wrap with slight tension on the tape rather than the rolling application common to plaster. 
  6. Just three or four layers provide a strong non-weight-bearing cast and five to eight layers are typically adequate for a weight-bearing cast. Additional layers are generally not necessary for strength and will reduce porosity. If a reinforcing strip is used in conjunction with McKesson casting tapes, immerse the strip in room temperature water, using the same procedure described in No. 4. Apply as you would a plaster splint. Reinforcing strips allow for added strength when desired. 
  7. Smooth and rub the tape to achieve good contact between layers. Soon after smoothing, the cast can be molded. The last part of the roll may need a few seconds of extra molding with wet gloves, which will improve the lamination of the roll-end lay-down.
  8. About 3-4 minutes after immersion in water, McKesson tapes are sufficiently rigid to prevent further molding.
  9. Allow about 20 minutes before applying loads to weight-bearing casts.
  10. Walking heels, cast shoes, and bracing devices can all be used with McKesson casts. 
  11. Should modification be necessary for therapeutic reasons, additional layers of tape can be applied to an already hardened McKesson cast. The fresh tape should be overlapped on itself to best secure it to the hardened cast

Cast Tape Mckesson 2 Inch X 12 Foot Fiberglass Red Removal

McKesson casts may be windowed, trimmed or removed with traditional cast saw equipment. Although most standards saw blades are suitable for use on McKesson casts, always be sure the blade is sharp and free of debris. A blade that is not sharp will result in heat build-up and possible patient injury. Routine cast removal precautions should be taken to avoid injury to the patient while cutting equipment is being used. Use the recommended “in and out” cast saw method. Exposed edges of the cut cast can be abrasive and care should be exercised to avoid scratches during cast removal.

Shelf Life and Storage Requirements of Fiberglass Cast Tape

Each roll of tape is packaged in a sealed foil pack. Care should be taken to avoid puncturing the pack as this will cause the tape to harden prematurely in the package. For best results, store product between 59°-86°F (15-30°C). For shelf life, refer to the expiration date which appears on each package. Each pack should be gently squeezed prior to opening to check suitability for application.

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