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CanDo Slim WaTe Exercise Bar Set - Deluxe Set CanDo Slim WaTe Exercise Bar Set - Lite Set CanDo Slim WaTe Exercise Bar Set - Standard Set

CanDo Slim WaTe Exercise Bar Set

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Product Option

Introductory 3-Piece Set

SKU #10-1624
$68.99 Each

Lite Set, 5-Piece Set

SKU #10-1620
$129.99 Each

Standard Set, 10-Piece Set

SKU #10-1621
$347.99 Each
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CanDo Slim WaTe Exercise Bar Set is easy-to-grip, easy-to-store and color-coded. These bars are used in the supine, sitting or standing position to increase strength and ROM. They are perfect for use in therapy, fitness, group classes, aerobics, yoga, and pilates.

Why choose CanDo Exercise Bar Set?

  • Anti-roll end cap to prevent it from rolling around and becoming a safety hazard
  • Hangar end cap (bars up to 10lb) for the most space effective storage, hanging on a hook rack
  • The Slim and Mini style is ideal for therapy.
  • Improves endurance, balance, and motor skills


Total: $68.99

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What does CanDo WaTe Exercise Bar Set Include?

  • Introductory Set: 3 bars (Weights ranging from 1lb to 3lb)
  • Lite Set: 5 bars (Weights ranging from 1lb to 5lb)
  • Standard Set: 10 bars (Weights ranging from 1lb to 10lb)
  • Deluxe Set: 16 bars (Weights 1lb, 2lb, 3lb, 4lb, 5lb, 6lb, 7lb, 8lb, 9lb, 10lb, 12.5lb, 15lb, 17.5lb, 20lb, 22.5lb and 25lb)

Upper Body Exercises with CanDo Slim Exercise Bar

These are just a few exercises. The Cando WATE bar is so versatile, you can use it in any upper body exercise in your present strengthening regime.The limit is your imagination!!!
Grip WATE bar with hands shoulder-width apart.

SHOULDER FORWARD PRESS (sitting or standing)
Hold bar with palms DOWN. Exhale as you slowly raise your arms to shoulder level.Maintaining this level, inhale as you bring the bar to your chest. Exhale as you push the bar away. Repeat for desired repetitions.

OVERHEAD LIFTS (sitting, standing or lying down)
Hold bar with palms DOWN. Keeping elbows slightly bent, exhale as you raise WATE™ bar over your head. Inhale as you lower the bar to starting position. Repeat for desired repetitions.

FOREARM PRESS (sitting or standing)
Hold bar with palms facing UP. Starting with bar resting on thighs, elbows slightly bent,exhale as you raise the bar over your head.Inhale as you lower the bar behind your head resting on the neck, elbows pointing to ceil-ing. Exhale as you lift the bar overhead until elbows are nearly extend. Repeat for desired repetitions.

FOREARM CURLS (sitting, standing or lying down)
Hold bar with palms facing UP. Starting with bar resting on thighs, elbows straight. Keepelbows close to your side for this exercise.Exhale as you “curl” bar as close to your chest as you can. Inhale as you lower your arms to starting position. Repeat for desired repetitions.

WARNING: Consult with your doctor or therapist before starting any rehabili-tation or exercise program. Immediately consult your doctor or therapist if any discomfort is experienced while performing exercise(s).

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