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Patients who spend most of their time in the bed are at risk of developing pressure ulcers. Depending upon the severity of pressure ulcers the patients may experience a mild discomfort to severe pain. Low-air-loss mattress act as a critical element in treatment and prevention of pressure sores in bedridden patients. They can reduce the occurrence of these wounds dramatically and help in successful treatment. It ensures that patients confined to the bed get the rest they need to recover well.
At HPFY you will find Air mattresses for hospital beds that keep healthy skin intact and protect broken skin from further damage. These air mattresses are made up of inflatable air tubes that inflate and deflate alternatively moving the patient just like a person moving in bed.
Low air loss mattresses do not keep a patient in the same position for extended time periods as constant pressure leads to shortage of oxygen and essential nutrients which cause skin damage. Find here low air loss mattresses from top brands like Protekt, Breeze, microAir and many more.
Low Air Loss mattresses have tiny holes all over that release air slowly to keep the skin dry and moisture free. It helps in preventing bedsores in patients who spend most of their time in bed.
Alternating Pressure Mattresses are made up of air cells that inflate and deflate continuously to relieve pressure on different body parts. It helps in preventing pressure sores by shifting pressure from one place to another.
AT Health Products for You, your wellness is the most important for us. We bring to you mattresses that combine low-air-loss and alternating pressure technologies to keep you and your loved ones safe from skin breakdown and pressure sores.
It is not recommended to use a fitted sheet over a low-air-loss mattress as it can block the air cells restricting the air flow. However you can use flat sheets that are thin-knit or made of jersey material. Specially designed mattress covers must be used to allow air passage and prevent moisture buildup.
Buy low-air-loss mattress designed to provide a high standard in skin care and patient comfort by regulating the air flow that manages the heat and humidity of the skin preventing skin breakdown.
They keep the skin dry and provide superb pressure redistribution for patients who stand the risk of developing pressure ulcers or who have very sensitive skin. We have mattresses that optimally manage skin maceration, pressure, shear and friction by automatic and constant pressure monitoring thus maintaining preferred pressure relieving conditions.
Top manufacturers like Proactive Medical, Dynarex Corporation, Huntleigh Healthcare and many more at amazing discounts!
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Alternating Pressure Mattresses
Five Best Alternating Pressure Mattresses for 2025
Air mattresses or airbeds are the new age sleep comforters that not only give you a comfortable sleep but also help in combating many health problems that are caused or aggravated by the wrong sleeping posture. They improve the quality
Therapeutic Advantages of Low Air Loss Mattress System
There is a growing population of patients who are bed-bound or who spend a considerable amount of time in the bed. If using a conventional bed, the body heat and moisture gets trapped causing skin breakdown and rashes, leading to
A Good Night's Sleep with Innerspring Mattresses
Innerspring mattresses are the most prominent and popular form of mattresses with a common inner spring core supporting the upper and lower upholstery layers.
True low air loss mattress systems will inflate in 5 minutes.
No, this is common problem that can easily be solved. The most common problem is a kink in the air hose. Open the cover and check the air tubes under the cells that run along the inside of the mattress. Massage the hose with your fingers to make sure there is not a kink in the hose. Apply some weight to the mattress and allow some time for the mattresses pump to reinflate all the sections.
Yes you can use a standard hand or powered pump by connecting it to the CPR tag. Removing the CPR tag will open a direct valve that allows air to flow quickly into the mattress at a faster pace.
If there is bottoming-out that means the pressure setting is inadequate (or too low) for the patient. Bottoming-out can be checked by sliding your hand between the deflated air cell and directly under the patient. Patient should be able to feel the minimal contact. If there is an incident of bottoming-out, simply adjust the pressure range a little higher.
Wipe the pump with a damp cloth and a mild detergent and keep it away from dust. Clean the mattress cover and air cells by using a gentle laundry detergent allowing the unit to air dry.