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Range of motion of a joint is the measurement of the movement in and around a joint. Every joint of our body has a normal range of motion. When this motion gets impaired due to physiological reasons, the joint activity decreases. To bring it back to normal range ROM exercise machines are required. A goniometer is used to measure the range of motion of a joint. A reading is taken at the beginning of the treatment followed by subsequent readings as the treatment progresses. With the help of ROM exercise machines therapists aim to increase the distance and direction in which a joint can move between the flexed and extended positions. Shop for equipment for range of motion exercises from top manufacturers like Performance Health, PREPAK PRODUCTS, BRANDT and many more.
Range of motion is intricately related to wellness as with a reduced ability to fully move our hands, legs, knees, arms and trunk it is not possible to care for ourselves adequately. Health conditions like arthritis, swelling and inflammation, muscle spasms, body mechanics problems can contribute to reduced range of motion. The PrePak Web-Slide Exercise Rail Professional System is designed for people who use exercise equipment on regular basis like exercise tubing, exercise bands and pulleys that provide stretching, resistance and increased range of motion. Rolyan Graded ROM Arc is excellent for treatment of any upper extremity deficit that impairs the range of motion. CanDo Twist-N-Bend Flexible Exercise Bar is a lightweight, portable exerciser designed to strengthen muscles in the hand, wrist, and shoulder.
At HPFY, you will find ROM exercise machines like shoulder and arm skates, exercise rail systems, shoulder exercise ladders, shoulder abduction ladders etc. at the best prices from top manufacturers like Performance Health, FABRICATION ENTERPRISES, THERAFIN CORPORATION, and many more.
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Exercise and Rehabilitation: Similar but Different
Obviously, everyone can benefit from daily exercise as a key to overall health, but rehabbing after an injury or illness requires specially trained therapists to guide us through what we need. Working together with our doctor and therapists allows us
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Exercising Your Hand and Fingers
The ability to have a firm grasp on the world around us cannot be emphasized enough, but doing so without pain is even more important. Sometimes due to an injury or arthritis we can experience diminished range of motion and