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Paraplegia is a form of paralysis in which body control is lost below the waist. It is also called partial paralysis. In most cases, paraplegics have perfectly healthy legs, but they cannot control them due to an injury to the brain or spinal cord, which cannot transmit or receive signals to the lower body. The degree of paraplegia varies from person to person. Physical therapy, along with treatment, can help paraplegics to live an independent life. Though, in most cases, a cure for paraplegia is not possible, therapy can enhance the quality of life. At HPFY, find paraplegia medical devices/paralysis equipment that will ease daily activities and help in attaining a certain degree of independence in life.
There are a variety of paraplegic equipment to help individuals with lower body paralysis.
Monoplegia is a paralysis that impacts one limb, such as an arm or leg, on one side of your body.
Hemiplegia affects one arm and one leg on the same side of your body. Several vascular conditions may cause hemiplegia, injuries, infections, and congenital disorders.
Paraplegia affects both of your legs. This usually happens because of injuries to your nervous system, especially your spinal cord, but it can also happen with various medical conditions and diseases.
Quadriplegia refers to paralysis from the neck down, including the trunk, legs, and arms. It is also known as tetraplegia and affects your arms and legs.
Paraplegia is generally the result of an injury, but it can also be caused by conditions that damage your spinal cord or brain. Proper treatment can help paraplegic patients in managing their condition.
There are a lot of ways that can help you to care for a paraplegic patient. Health Products for You brings you a wide range of paraplegic medical devices for paraplegic patients, including reachers, leg lifters, catheters, and many more.
Paraplegia and Quadriplegia are two types of paralysis that have some differences:
HPFY offers you a range of products that ease the day-to-day functions of people with paraplegia. Shop today from our top manufacturers and avail great discounts!
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Keep Moving! Living with Paraplegia
A lack of mobility is associated with a spinal cord injury and paraplegia. While this may be the case, there is no reason you should become housebound and not enjoy this wonderful world around us!!
Extending your Reach
There are millions of people around the world who suffer from the unfortunate situation of being on bed rest for at least some period of their life. Bed ridden patients often are recommended to avoid moving their body excessively as
Paraplegia can result from an injury to the spinal cord that may damage the nerve fibers found within the spinal cord. Primarily, such type of injuries result from car or motorcycle accidents, but may also result from slip and fall accidents as well as sporting injuries.
There are two types of paraplegia - complete and incomplete. In Complete paraplegia a person loses both feeling and movement below his or her injury, while in case of incomplete paraplegia a person maintains some movement or feeling below the injury.
Paraplegia may result in symptoms like persisting pain, a loss of sensation, paralysis, loss of bowel control, spasms, difficulty breathing, and a loss of sexual function.
Paraplegia can be defined as losing control i.e. movement and sensation from the waist down while the term tetraplegia includes loss of function in the upper body, arms and hands.
Products like patient transfer systems, catheter systems, disposable underpads, reachers, wheelchair desk etc. are designed to help paaraplegics with their daily tasks.