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Articles and News

Allergy Prevention and Relief Category

Allergy Relief

Asbestos Exposure: Symptoms & Treatment

Exposure to asbestos can lead to respiratory issues such as asbestosis. How much asbestos exposure is dangerous? What are signs of asbestos exposure? Here’s some information you need. READ MORE


10 Health Benefits of a Humidifier

Using a humidifier has many health benefits. What is a humidifier good for? What does a humidifier do for you? We can give you the information you need. READ MORE

Allergy Relief

7 Upper Respiratory Tract Infection Self-Care Tips

While there is no cure for the common cold, there are ways to ease the symptoms, prevent reinfection, and speed up healing. Keep reading to learn more about upper respiratory tract infection self-care.


10 Best Humidifiers Of 2024

A humidifier is a great way to improve air quality, but there are several factors to consider when choosing the best humidifier for your home. Many types of room humidifiers are available, and it’s important to consider the different varieties to find the right one for your family. We have compiled a list of the 10 best humidifiers to help make the choice easier. READ MORE.

Allergy Relief

11 Ways to Find Relief from Fall Seasonal Allergies

Fall allergens trigger congestion, runny nose, sneezing, & coughing. But there are ways to help you. Find 11 tips to deal with fall seasonal allergies.

Air Purifiers

How To Protect Yourself From Wildfire Smoke

Wildfires can cause issues even thousands of miles away. Stay safe with these tips. READ MORE

Allergy Relief

7 Home Remedies for Allergies

Did you know that medication isn’t always necessary when you need relief from seasonal allergies? In fact, simple home remedies can be quite effective. Learn more at HPFY.

Allergy Relief

5 Best Tips and Products To Relieve Spring Allergies

If you're like me, you aren't exactly excited that spring is here. Every year, it's the same thing. The sun sets a little later, the air gets a little warmer, and I get a little congested. Then the watery eyes start, followed by sneezing and coughing, and before you know it, I'm searching for some sort of allergy relief.

Air Purifiers

5 Best Portable Air Purifiers

There are a plethora of air purifiers available on the market today but which one should you pick? Find 5 of our best portable air purifiers listed below to help you make an informed decision.

Recently Added


10 Best Nursing Scrubs From Piranha Brands

Comfort and quality for work clothes is crucial. For nursing scrubs, what are the most comfortable scrubs? What are the best scrubs for women? Men? We can give you insight into the Piranha Brands and their scrubs. READ MORE

Alzheimer’s or Dementia

What Is The Difference Between Alzheimer's and Dementia

Often dementia and Alzheimer’s disease are confused as the same thing. What’s worse, Alzheimer’s disease or dementia? How are Alzheimer’s and dementia different? We can give you the facts. READ MORE

Allergy Relief

Asbestos Exposure: Symptoms & Treatment

Exposure to asbestos can lead to respiratory issues such as asbestosis. How much asbestos exposure is dangerous? What are signs of asbestos exposure? Here’s some information you need. READ MORE

Incontinence Guide

Adult Pull-Ups vs Diapers: Know The Difference

Adult pull-ups and diapers are both used to manage incontinence. What’s the difference between adult pull-ups and diapers? Do pull-ups hold as much as they do? We can give you the facts you need. READ MORE

Incontinence Guide

What Is Reflex Incontinence: Causes & Treatment Options

Reflex incontinence is caused by a spasm of the detrusor muscle. What is reflex incontinence? What causes reflex incontinence? We have information you should know. READ MORE

Immune Health

Celiac Disease: Covering The Basics

Learn about celiac disease: symptoms, diagnosis, management, and when to seek help. Understand the importance of early intervention and a gluten-free lifestyle for better long-term health.

Immune Health

10 Everyday Foods That Boost Your Immune System

While our genetics and lifestyle choices play a significant role in determining our immune defenses, what we eat can have a major impact on our ability to fight off infections and stay resilient. Here are 10 foods that strengthen your immune system.

Moisturizers/Skin Conditioners

How to Treat Sunburn Fast

Find six effective ways to relieve sunburn discomfort. From soothing Aloe Vera to staying hydrated, these simple remedies can help alleviate pain and promote skin healing. READ MORE.

Pressure Ulcers

Identifying the 4 Stages of Bed Sores

Bedsores can cause serious health issues down the road. Identifying the stages of bedsores can help treat them. What are the 4 stages of bedsores? How do I treat them? We have information you need to hear. READ MORE


10 Tips for Better Living with Lymphedema

Cancer patients can experience lymphedema. This can lead to questions about dealing with it. Can I live a long life with lymphedema? How does lymphedema affect daily life? We have your information. READ MORE

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