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Linda Guerrera

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Linda Guerrera has been the Digital Content Manager for Health Products For You since 2022. A recipient of the New York State Broadcasters Award for Outstanding Work in Radio, she spent over 20 years as an on-air radio personality, content manager, program director, and voiceover artist. Her career spans both local and corporate media and her work runs the gamut of voice, on-air, on-camera, audio and video production.

However, Linda’s expertise doesn’t stop with media. Her passion for health and wellness led to her work in human and veterinary medicine. As an ophthalmic surgical technician, she worked side by side assisting one of the top Ophthalmic surgeons in the United States. Linda also holds a certification for radioactive iodine treatment and veterinary medicine.

In 2020, Linda combined her medical expertise, love for animals and passion for radio to produce the podcast “VetSounds” with Veterinarian Dr. James McNamara of Bethel Veterinary Hospital in Bethel, Connecticut. VetSounds is produced by GForceSound, a production company that Linda owns and operates. You can view samples at

Parkinson’s Disease

How To Prevent Parkinson's Disease

Linda Guerrera Sep 01, 2023

A diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease comes with a lot of uncertainty. Great strides have been made in research and much is dedicated to finding how to prevent Parkinson's disease. While there may not be a cure or a way to prevent Parkinson's disease, there are things you can do that may reduce your risk, delay the onset or reduce symptoms. READ MORE.

Antifungal Cream

Home Remedies For Ringworm

Linda Guerrera Sep 01, 2023

Having a ringworm rash can be a bit off-putting, especially if you’re not sure what it is. Learn about 9 home remedies for ringworm that work.

Lou Gehrig's Disease

The 7 Stages of ALS

Linda Guerrera Sep 01, 2023

ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder. The 7 stages of ALS begin with muscle weakness or stiffness and typically follow a predictable path to full paralysis. In this article, we will focus on each of the 7 stages of ALS progression.

Cardiovascular Health

How to Reduce Cholesterol in 30 Days

Linda Guerrera Sep 01, 2023

Your blood test results are in, and your doctor tells you that you need to reduce cholesterol. While most people think that popping a pill is one of the easy ways to prevent high cholesterol, many have come to find that it’s just not that simple. So, what can we do? It may seem impossible. But HPFY can show you how to reduce cholesterol in 30 days.

Diabetes Management

11 Natural Ways to Control Diabetes

Linda Guerrera Sep 06, 2023

Getting healthy and maintaining proper blood sugar levels isn’t as difficult as it sounds. Everything good comes with some effort. Fortunately, there are natural ways to prevent diabetes. READ MORE.


Natural Remedies for Vertigo

Linda Guerrera Sep 08, 2023

Have you ever had that feeling of spinning when you were sitting still?Learn about natural remedies for vertigo and more.


7 Tips for Living with COPD

Linda Guerrera Sep 11, 2023

Living with COPD can be challenging and frightening. If you have been diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, it is understandable to have concerns. Many people learn how to cope with COPD with a few healthy lifestyle changes. READ MORE.

Making A Difference

How To Eat Healthy On A Budget

Linda Guerrera Sep 14, 2023

You have probably had some sticker shock if you have ever gone to the grocery store with high hopes of starting a healthy diet. While it may seem that the only way is to break the bank, we have some tips on how to eat healthy on a budget. So, how do we do this? To find out READ MORE.

Covid 19

COVID Rash and Unusual COVID Symptoms

Linda Guerrera Sep 14, 2023

Most of us know the common symptoms of COVID-19. We know that fever is generally the first indication of the infection, followed by cough, fatigue, and a loss of taste or smell. However, there are some symptoms that you may not know about. Just like other common symptoms of COVID-19, these other symptoms can mimic other health issues. One symptom in particular is COVID rash. READ MORE.

Allergy Relief

11 Ways to Find Relief from Fall Seasonal Allergies

Linda Guerrera Sep 15, 2023

Fall allergens trigger congestion, runny nose, sneezing, & coughing. But there are ways to help you. Find 11 tips to deal with fall seasonal allergies.

Post Mastectomy Bras Post Mastectomy Swimwear

A Guide To Post-Mastectomy Clothing

Linda Guerrera Sep 18, 2023

After any surgery it is normal to have some pain and discomfort. Proper rest is vital to healing. After surgery, there are some things to consider, especially when it comes to anything that comes into contact with sensitive skin. This article focuses on the things you should consider when choosing post-mastectomy clothing.