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Aritcle by

Kevin Cleary

Kevin Cleary has been a Health Products For You contributor for many years and has a degree in marketing. His health and wellness journey has a very personal meaning and has guided him in his content writing for HPFY.

In 2006, he sustained an injury while jumping on a trampoline with his son, severely injuring his neck and has been living as a quadriplegic since. His injury forced him to learn facets of the medical product field that he would otherwise not have known.

After several years of therapy, he has used many medical devices such as wheelchairs, standing frames, neuromuscular stimulators, as well as other rehab/therapy items that have helped him live life to the fullest. This hands-on insight has helped him with research and content creation. Kevin enjoys sampling cuisines from different countries, listening to music, watching sports and enjoying a glass of single malt scotch!

In a candid conversation with Linda Guerrera, HPFY's Digital Content Manager, Kevin opens up about his life-altering experience and its profound impact on him. Join us as we delve into his remarkable journey, where resilience, determination, and the power of the human spirit shine through. Click here to watch Kevin's Series, Paralyzed But Not Defeated.

Diabetes Management

Type 1 vs Type 2 Diabetes: What is the Difference?

Kevin Cleary Jun 25, 2022

Type I and Type II diabetes are related to how our body either doesn’t produce insulin or can’t absorb it in our cells. That’s the main difference between the two and both types of diabetes can lead to complications that can be life-threatening if left untreated for an extended period of time.

Kegel Exerciser

Pelvic Floor Exercises for Everyone!

Kevin Cleary Jul 01, 2022

As we age, urine leakage can become more prevalent. Sneezing, laughing, and coughing can cause a small amount of urine to leak. Wouldn’t it be great if there was a proactive way to avoid this problem? Pelvic floor exercises are the answer. Let's explore what our pelvic floor is, and what you can do to ensure it is strong and resilient.

Cooling Vests

4 Must-Have Cooling Vests This Summer!

Kevin Cleary Jul 15, 2022

As the heat index rises our body’s ability to cool itself can become compromised or even negated. HPFY can help keep you cool and safe with a cooling vest that can cool down your core and match your lifestyle.

Summer Season

Late Summer Illnesses You Need to Know About

Kevin Cleary Aug 02, 2022

Health Products For You has the information and products you need to enjoy those remaining weeks of the summer season and ease into the cooler days of Autumn. When we think about seasonal illnesses, we usually think about colder winter weather. Colds and the flu are the first that come to mind. The warmer weather of late summer usually doesn’t conger up seasonal illnesses. Believe it or not, some maladies can affect us as the dog days of summer play out. Explore HPFY for all your needs!!


Stress and Gut Health!

Kevin Cleary Aug 08, 2022

Health Products For You can help explain the connection between stress and how it may affect your gut health, even causing diarrhea. Health Products For You has some options for treating diarrhea.

Making A Difference

What Are Monkeypox Symptoms?

Kevin Cleary Aug 10, 2022

We have all heard about pandemics and endemics associated with the COVID-19 virus in the last couple of years. If you have been paying attention to the news recently, you have heard about the Monkeypox virus. As it spreads across the country, the concern is on the rise.


Can Constipation Cause Nausea?

Kevin Cleary Aug 19, 2022

Constipation can cause nausea. The buildup of stool in the intestines may let the food stay in the stomach and make a person feel nauseous and even bloated. A buildup of stool can also lead to imbalanced gut bacteria that may also be considered a potential reason for nausea caused due to constipation.

Allergy Relief

Immunizations for the Fall Season

Kevin Cleary Aug 25, 2022

Each season poses a different set of challenges and issues. Whether it’s for Fall allergies, required school immunizations, or dealing with the latest viral pandemic, getting immunized is your best defense against getting sick.


What Is Robotic Surgery?

Kevin Cleary Aug 29, 2022

Robotic surgery is performed by human surgeons only with the assistance of technologically advanced equipment. This type of surgery allows doctors to operate with far more precision, flexibility, and control than with conventional surgical techniques, not to mention that robotic surgery is usually performed with smaller, minimally invasive incisions.

Making A Difference

Climate Changes and the Impact on Seasonal Weather

Kevin Cleary Sep 08, 2022

Here on our blue marble of a planet called Earth, we are lucky that our planet’s tilt and our oversize moon keep our seasons pretty consistent. Lately, our climate has changed, but not necessarily for the better. Between flooding in the southern US and places like Pakistan, severe drought in the US West, and rising sea temperatures, our climate is changing, and we are feeling the negative effects.


Is Contributing to an FSA Worth It?

Kevin Cleary Sep 15, 2022

How do you decide if contributing to an FSA is right for you? HPFY has the information you need to determine if contributing to an FSA is worth it.

Light Therapy

What is Blue Light?

Kevin Cleary Sep 28, 2022

Technology has exposed us to more blue light due to smart phones, tablets, and LED lights. This exposes us to higher wavelength light. Our eyes use three types of cone receptors in our retinas. Some are sensitive to red, some sensitive to green, and others sensitive to blue. Since blue light has a shorter wavelength, intense amounts of this light may be harmful to our eyes.