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Allergy Prevention and Relief Category

Allergy Relief

Role of Chest Drainage System in Chest Tube Insertion

A chest drainage or pleural drainage system consists of a tube, a suction system and a collection chamber. It is specifically designed to drain out pleural fluid build-up from the chest.

Allergy Relief

Autumn Allergies and School

Summer is coming to a close and days are getting shorter which means allergies and school are returning. As we take our children to the mall to buy new clothing for the school year we should also be sure our children are ready to combat their allergies at school. Learning new math, science, or history can be made more difficult if your child is suffering from fall allergies.

Allergy Relief Asthma

Allergies and Asthma: Nebulize and Exercise It!!

Asthma is a disease that affects the bronchial tubes in our lungs that brings the air we breathe into and out of our lungs. There are many triggers for asthma, and one of the most popular is allergies. This is called allergic asthma and contributes to a great deal of asthma cases.

Nebulizer Allergy Relief

Nebulizer for Allergies: A Comprehensive Guide

As we emerge from our winter cocoon to enjoy the warmer weather of spring, we are exposed to all sorts of allergens ranging from tree pollen to grasses.In order to overcome your allergies, your doctor may prescribe medication (in liquid form) that your nebulizer converts to a fine mist that is directly inhaled into your lungs.

Allergy Relief

How To Get Rid Of Dry Stuffy Nose

Cold winter months are notorious for low humidity and cold dry air and this can wreak havoc with our good friend the nose. We take our noses for granted sometimes. It’s not just something to detect foul odors or to enjoy the scent of a fragrant flower or even just hold up our sunglasses. So find out the solutions to let us breathe easily and avoid a red, sore snout.

Allergy Relief

Allergies: It's the Season

We all enjoy spring, but for those that suffer from allergies it may not be the awakening they wanted. The great outdoors provide us with plenty of plants that are coming to life. This includes trees, grass, and a whole host of other colorful and fragrant flowers. While these may be aesthetically pleasing to the eyes, to many it signals the start of allergy season.

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Diabetes Management Pregnancy Care

10 Tips For Gestational Diabetes Self Care

Pregnancy can take its toll on a woman's body, which is why proper prenatal care is vital to ensure a healthy mother and baby. There are so many things to be aware of which you may have taken for granted. Adding gestational diabetes into the mix can be quite challenging, and lifestyle changes are necessary to control blood sugar levels. READ MORE.

Back Pain

5 Best TENS Unit for Back Pain

Back pain can be especially debilitating and prevents you from going about your daily routine. When over-the-counter and prescription medication isn't enough, a great way to get some relief is with a TENS machine. READ MORE.


10 Health Benefits of a Humidifier

Using a humidifier has many health benefits. What is a humidifier good for? What does a humidifier do for you? We can give you the information you need. READ MORE

Anal Fissures

Anal Fissure Treatment at Home - 5 Things That Can Help!

Surgery is often thought of as the only option, but there are actually several ways to treat this condition at home. If you are interested in exploring those options, here are five effective options for anal fissure treatment at home that you can consider. READ MORE.

Mattress Accessories

7 Best Mattress Pads

A good-quality mattress pad is a thin layer of fabric that is placed on the mattress under a fitted sheet. Find 7 best mattress pads at HPFY. READ MORE.

Wound Management

5 Tips on How to Get Rid of Boils

That red bump on your face? It might not be regular run-of-the-mill acne or a pimple. This article will help you understand what a boil is and how to get rid of boils. READ MORE.

Ostomy Guide

Stoma Caps: Your Guide to Protect an Ostomy

People living with an ostomy can choose from various sizes. Would a stoma cap be right for me? When are they appropriate? Fortunately, we have the information you need. READ MORE

Stretching And Flexibility

Blood Flow Restriction Training: What You Need to Know

Blood flow restriction training or occlusion training has been around for a while but is increasing in popularity. What is it? Should I try it? Here’s what you need to know. READ MORE

Alzheimer’s or Dementia

10 Best Products for Dementia Patients

Seniors with dementia can become angry and agitated. Is there a way to calm dementia patients? What products benefit them most? We have 10 great products. READ MORE

IV Supplies

Your Checklist for Home Infusion Therapy

Infusion therapy may sound or seem intimidating, but once you understand the process, it becomes a part of your daily routine. Conversely, keeping up with a regular stock of IV supplies is a more challenging task—unless you have read this article. READ MORE.

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