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Incontinence Category


Protect Your Bed from Incontinence

The scourge of incontinence presents several dilemmas, the least of which is an increase in laundry. The cleaning of soiled linens can monopolize your time and eventually become a costly endeavor. By using underpads or chux, you can save your bed sheets, mattresses, and washing machines a lot of stress. Learn more about underpads and chux at HPFY.

Adult Diapers

7+ Best Adult Briefs

The older we get the likelihood of experiencing incontinence increases. Unfortunately, women can be affected twice as much than men. Adult briefs can help us deal with this growing problem as we age. There are more options available in briefs as compared to the typical pull up.

Perineal Skin Care

Incontinence And Skincare: Impact and Management

Skin is a very important organ of the body, apart from being the largest. And it requires good caring and nurturing. A small cut or rash does hurt, doesn’t it? So, we really need to keep our skin in good condition and this is particularly applicable to those who have very fragile skin or who are constantly exposed to moisture which can have a debilitating effect on the skin.

Incontinence Pads and Liners Incontinence Alarm Devices Incontinence Underwear Incontinence Tips Incontinence Guide Incontinence Clamps

What is Urinary Incontinence

Urinary incontinence can affect both men and women and may be short-lived or life-long. There are four basic types - stress, urge, overflow, total incontinence.

Incontinence Guide

Incontinence Care: Some Do’s and Don’ts

As we age the issue of incontinence becomes more prominent. Whether it’s a little leak when you cough or giggle an awkward social situation can rear its ugly head.

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Dealing With Health Anxiety: 12 Tips On How To Stop Being A Hypochondriac

Hypochondria is a recognized mental health anxiety condition that is often treated with cognitive behavior therapy and medication in some cases. It can cause major distress and make everyday life overwhelming. Because hypochondria is an anxiety disorder, treating and managing this health issue focuses on strategies to manage anxiety and improve quality of life. READ MORE.

Golfer's Elbow

5 Best Golfer's Elbow Braces

Bracing or splinting the elbow reduces any strain on the tendons & allows the joint to rest properly. Here are HPFY's 5 best Golfer's elbow braces. READ MORE.

Insomnia Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia and Sleep: How To Cope With Sleep Issues

Fibromyalgia and sleep issues go hand-in-hand for many fibromyalgia patients. When you combine fatigue, pain, and insomnia, quality of life can be greatly diminished. Not getting proper sleep can also contribute to the symptoms. READ MORE to dive deeper into the connection of fibromyalgia and sleep issues and some ways to manage them.

Mental Well Being

How To Stop Worrying About Everything

If you feel as though you worry too much about things, you are not alone. Let's look at some ways to combat this persistent anxiety. Here is how to stop worrying about everything.


7 Tips To Manage Exercise-Induced Asthma

Having problems and experiencing nausea after working out can make staying active difficult, but exercise-induced asthma should not come in the way of your passion for fitness. To help you get past this condition and remain in the pink of health, here are some tips to manage asthma induced by exercise. READ MORE.

Alzheimer’s or Dementia

7 Tips To Cope With Sundowners Syndrome

Sundowner's syndrome is a condition where symptoms tend to worsen when the sun goes down in the late afternoon and evening. There are ways to combat sundowner's syndrome to help manage the symptoms and improve overall well-being. Click to read seven tips for coping with sundowner's syndrome.

Diapers and Briefs

5 Best Pull Ups for Teenagers

Pull ups for teenagers help in managing their condition. If you are looking for pull-ups to help your young ones, here are the 5 best options available at HPFY. READ MORE.

Immune Health

Breathe Better: 14 Foods for Healthy Lungs & Improving Breathing

Our diet can keep our lungs healthy and improve our breathing. What foods should you be eating? What should you avoid? We have some information you need. READ MORE


5 Best Sleep Aids For Peaceful Sleep

When we do need a little extra help falling asleep, it’s good to know what will work. We’ve put together a list of the five best products to get a good night’s sleep. READ MORE.

Making A Difference Mental Well Being

10 Benefits of Crying You Didn't Know About

You may not realize that there are some very real benefits to crying. As a natural emotional response, crying serves several important purposes for our mental and physical well-being. Here are ten benefits of crying. READ MORE.

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